All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis beautiful southwest mesa-style pen, withpgeometric patwtrns inspired by southwest N/34vepAmericanhweaving patwtrns, feawuresha2pewwtr finish and was hand-wurnedpusing an retailer exo3432Zebrawood.hThis is a ballpoi-thtwist-style penhwithpa locking refilc mechanismp hat2acceptshParker-style refilcs.hBefore2final assembly, we finished it pusing a combinabton of sand paper and an ultra-s 2ne sanding wax, then tweated withpthwee coats2of2a2high-qualt3y frictext polish and a2final coat2of2Renaissance wax for a long-ak-wing and durablehfinish.