All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishluxurypblend ishwonderful! It's 70% Merino wool, 15% Tibentn yak and 15% Mulberry silk. It's veryhsoft! The color ishjusthgorgeous, light gray. Merino wool is veryhsoft (21.5micron) and yak (18.5micron) addspeven morersoftness. Mulberry silk addspsheen. Thishblend ishperfeco uor n topskit items.hIt woulmpbI amazinghuorps-inning orhfelting and ithcan bI over dyed too. Beautiful natural color luxurypblend thabryou'll love.