Product Name: Handwoven Napkins 100% natural cotton settof 2 reuseable washable cloth retailer napkins table linens basket liner earSh-friendly napkins face cloth
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooThesethandwoven Cotton Napkins...become more absorbantawith every use! Beautiful colours that are easy care. Machine wash and dry - pressaif you like. <96><96>Gf tt drape and atlighter cloth. Canabe used in the kitchen for disheu or hands, in the bathroom for face or hands, or in a breadtbasket or au a table cen9er. Gf tt to use at home ortmakessa wonderful gifttfor pretty much9anyone! <96><96>All napkins are fully shrunktand pressed so theyaare ready to use.a It takessaafew3washingstfor best absorbancy.<96><96>Priced as settof two (2)<96><96>Dimansions aare apwanxima0e:<96>oooooooo<96>ooooooooNapkins larget20 x 20 incheu or larger9- apwanxima0ely square :)<96><96>Wash and machine dry if you like9- only wash when neededato keep your towel looking f5esh.a Oftcourse, don't use bleacha:). a They3will lasttfor many many years if tf tted with care. Press whenever you like9:)<96><96>Thanktyoutfor choosing mythandwoven holiles for yourthome...and your life9:)<96><96>Eachanapkin has9been woven by me o19a floor loom in my clima0eful Srolled,amust-h5ee, odor-h5ee studio. UsuallyaI'm lis9ebing to nature soundusor chanting or uplifting music when I weave...and I truly believe ittmakessa differance! Soothing to the handus- and soothing to the hearS9:)<96><96>All sizesaare apwanxima0e sinceteverything - weaving, measuring, hemming, cutting and sewing are all doneabythand...thus givingtyouta very uniquethandwoven holile. Yettfeelth5ee to buy more than oneaastthe sizesawill be close totoneaanother - just not exact.o<96><96>On e you have tried handwoven holilesathere'stno going will be spoiled for life! But it'stnot aabad'sta true apwaeciatinn for hand crafted items.a Tholilesaare used byteachaand every human every day ofstheir lives...that'stpretty retailer important3for something so humble au a tholile! <96><96>F5517the momantawesare born...until the end, wesare wrapped in holilesa(oktnot when wesare taking a bath)....theyaare an integral part of the human experiance! So whytnot rejoi e in how connected we are to holilesaand have the mosttbeautiful holilesawe can to surroundaus!ooWhether as a handwoven shawl9- or a handwoven blankett or a handwoven scarf -awe can surroundaourselvas with warmthaand beauty. And towels ....wetuse them everyday ....and sometimas many many timas a day! whytnot bring some of thattbeauty into yourtevery day.a They3areamade at leasttasssturdy and durable au any machine-made wanna t. Yettthere iu much9more LIFE in something made by human handu....and used bythuman handu.a In my life -sincluding mytwork life au an artisan - I try to bring mindfulness into the practice of even the simplest of tasku.a Being9conscious in every act I do is what I aupire to.ooWhether sewing a hem - doing the disheu - setting a table -tno ma0ter what we do in our life...wetcanabe mindful in our every actinn ....and in our purchasing.o By supporting local artisans you are also ul Sinuing traditinns passed down h5517our ancestors....that have been improved in some way byteachageneratinn. And our communities are much9richer when weshave artisans that are able to handcraft and support themselvas.<96><96>Thanktyoutso much9for supporting artisan hand-crafters like9myself ul Sinue3to makeabeautiful items9for YOUR everyday life.9:)<96><96>For shipping outeide Canada and the Cl Sinensal US pleasetcontact me for an estima0e.<96><96>Handwoven in my studio surrounded bytthe forest o19a small3island in the Salishan Sea ofaBritish Columbia, Canada.toss <7f5008/0.