Product Name: Handcraf9573charcuteri5 board mad retailer of exo9ic woods
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaBeautifulaand nneaof a kindscharcuteri5 board mad with cherry, Purple Heart, curly maple and walnut. 13.5 in x 11.5in.taEach of my boards io a unique design and handcraf957.taI personally selec9 all of the woodsfor my shopsh5517all ov5rtthe country. <96><96>This lovely board retailer is3simple and elegant. 9Perfect gift for a new homeowner,3wedding, housewarging or any other occasinn. Or buy it to enjoy a lovely board for ent5rta ning. <96><96>Genuine handcraf957 board with easy mai Sanance. Who doesn't love a nneaof a kindsitem fortyour own home or a gift for somenneaspecial?taaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37681715/cm&l/f6a0ac/4219270601/&l17/r/il/84219270601_s0py.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37681715/cm&l/3c7f58/4171615812/&l17/r/il/84171615812_k4wj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37681715/cm&l/a8370a/4219270547/&l17/r/il/84219270547_qztr.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37681715/cm&l/43196c/4219270533/&l17/r/il/84219270533_wybj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37681715/cm&l/608c88/4171615734/&l17/r/il/84171615734_oq4l.ord" /0.