Product Name: WWF Original Autographed Promo Photos Perry Saturn and Kurt Angle retailer
Original 8x10 promo photos from 2000 signed by Kurt Angle and Perry Saturn. Acquired from the late Dave Hebner as a gift years ago. Perfect, beautiful signatures from both. Cena Roman Reigns Brock Lesnar Murphy Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins Kevin Owens Sami Zayn AJ Styles Riddle Keith Lee New Day Big E Kofi Kingston Xavier Woods Jeff Hardy Dolph Ziggler Randy Orton Nakamura Elias Andrade Ricochet Braun Strowman Drew McIntyre Corbin Bayley Sasha Banks Charlotte Becky Lynch Alexa Bliss Finn Balor Rusev Gallows Anderson retailer Miz Sin Cara Goldberg Adam Cole Undisputed Era Heyman CM Punk Sting Triple H HHH Shawn Michaels HBK XPac Kevin Nash Scott Hall Hollywood Hulk Hogan Billy Gunn Road Dogg Chris Jericho Shane Vince McMahon Kane Undertaker Stone Cold Austin Rock Ric Flair Bret Hart Roddy Piper Macho Man Savage Andre Giant Ultimate Warrior DX Foley Mankind NWO Kurt Angle Bullet Club Cody Rhodes Kenny Omega Young Bucks Matt Nick Jackson ROH NXT WCW WWF ECW AEW NJPW TNA.