All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhEnglish Paper Piecing quilt pieces, enough2for a double to queenpsize quilt.hhThesepcoloruul, trapezoid-shapedppieces are paper backIm, andpmanyphave been retailer al dy sewn together in strips.hhThepsides of the trapezoid are 2", the top ish1" andpthe b1ttom ish2". Pleasehreview the photos 0areuully as they formptart of the ss="wt-text.