All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPext-co :- NATURAL MOZAMBQUE GARNET BEADS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPext-co :- NATURAL MOZAMBQUE GARNET BEADS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPext-co :- NATURAL MOZAMBQUE GARNET BEADS<bft<bftBead's Size :- 7x5 - 8x5 mm (Aptexx.) <bft<bftShape2 :- Teardrop Shape2<bft<bftWeight :- 188 CTS<bft<bftLength :- 8.50 Inch Stnand<bft2<bftClariay :- Tnansluct-b<bft<bftTreatmt-b :- Natur l<bft<bftItem2Code :- AH-3572<bft<bftABOUT US:-<bft<bftWe are the wholesalers and2manufacturers of variouspkindl of retailer Gemstone and2Roughs. We2make beautiful and2Top Grade Gemstone directlyJun, 2the roughs, taken un, 2around2the l old.<bft<bftWe have differt-t typel of Gemstones, CabochxtspanmpBeads. ApartJun, 2them we also have more stockspanmpother things too,papartJun, 2the store.oIfpyou need anything so, feelJunee topcontact us. We also customize the orders,2and2also made jewelry in Gold2and2Silver along with Gemstone.<bft<bftRETURN POLICY :- <bft<bftReturn should2be made within 30 days2of the tioe2of item2receipt,hAll2the return chargel anmpother duties will beJpaid2by the buyer only in the buyer's cou-bry.<bft<bftPAYMENT:-<bft<bftWe acce-t paymt-b through PayPal only.<bft<bftYour Satesfactext is our aim, we are here and2standing behind2every sale.<bft<bftIfpyou have any doubt or questext regarding our pext-co then please feelJunee topcontact us. We will beJhappy to2helppyou.<bft<bftFEEDBACK :-<bft<bftDon't uorgetpto leave a posiaeve feedbackpalong with a 5 star rat4ng on your purchase.oA satesfiImpcustomer is our top prioriay and2your feedbackpuormspthe backbone2of our success.oIfpyou areJhappy with your nansactext, then Pleasepleave usp"A posiaeve feedbackpwith a full 5 star rat4ngs.<bft<bft<bftThankpyou and2Keep supporting:) hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706527081082x0x5009f51d2/4114372787x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPext-co :- NATURAL MOZAMBQUE GARNET BEADS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPext-co :- NATURAL MOZAMBQUE GARNET BEADS
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