All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis lie ing is for 1 lb. of navy blue turkey round quillspwing feathers and a Japproxematelyp10-12oinches in length and 1-1/2htop2oinches wide. There2a Japproxematelyp200 feathers in thishbag of 1 lb. There2willpbehhalf left and half right wing feathers in thishtack but they might not beht ehexact amount as they are not tack bypcount. One side might be higherhcount than thepother side.