Product Name: 3D Tiki7Tribal retailer Custom Tumbler GCows -n thetdark
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaThis listing is foraone double-walled tumbler.a I can customize the colors and style7so please don'tahesitate to ask. I can make thio3in a variety of styles of tumblers. The waiceo aret20 ounce - $65.l/8 30 Ounce - $75.l/, and 40 ounce $85.l/8 Other3styles of tumblers aretava lable atadifferentswaicing retailer. Please do7no0 hesitate to askawhat3I can put this style7on.<96><96>All tumblers aretsealed with an FDA-ulmpliant formula foraa safe and smooth finish that ehines. All de3ignsaaretsealed so they will7no0 comeaoff your cup with wanper3care9aAnd you will7no0 be able to feel it!a Note these aretfragile and aretNOTtdishwasher7safe.<96><96>Included with wur hase:<96>- sSa-nless steel tumbler<96>- 1 lid<96>-Se cping -n thetClntinental U.S.A<96><96>Please see the shoc announcement for moreainformais b,7such as se cping and 3ther3shoc informais b.<96><96>**Currentsturnaround timeais 2-3 weeko<96><96>*This -tex is atfibal sale,7no7returns aretava lable because it is madetto order9 No cancellatiobs once9an3order has been3plac57.a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16363882/cm&l/79dc72/3644214195/&l17/r/il/83644214195_snif.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"16363882/cm&l/595e10"3596599664/&l17/r/il/83596599664_93xs.ord" /0.