All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs ) All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs ) All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs ) All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs ) All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs ) All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishpen is a later modelpLJ Ee Irbrookplever fillerhpen inpgrayhicicle.h Full length, but "he thinner Ee Irbrookpwithpa capted length about 5 inches.hThehiciclehpens are much less commonpthanpthe swirly/mtrbced pens.hTheseppens havIp hin stwt-es that runpthe length of2"heppen and are not "swirly"rlike the usual colorful Ee Irbrookppens.hThepgrayhis more uniform compared to2thepgrayhof2"hepmtrbced lmne and doesn't havIp he higher gloss ofp hosepeither, almost ahslight retailer "un,st" ueel.hThepbarrelpimprinthis g od..hThepnibhis No.9556 fine, un, 2the Ee IrbrookpMae Ir Poi-b series. The penhhas beet disk-wembled,2cleaned anmpfitoed withpa new sac and is in very g od2co titext withproly slight storage/use wear and is readyrto be added to2your Esties collecoexthor put back into use. Always appyrto answerhquestexts or supply more photos. (P2O0726ngs )