Product Name: Traditional Breyer Horse Sheik af retailer Hallundbaek
Plesse refer to Pictures as retailer part of description Sheik af Hallundbaek One of the most striking models that Breyer has introduced in a long while is Sheik af Hallundbaek. Sheik is a portrait model of a 5 year old Knabstrupper stallion bred out LaRen Stables in Ocala, FL. The honor of being produced into a Breyer model that will enter the lives of thousands of people all over the world is held for exceptional horses only, and Sheik is no exception. Bred in 2003 Shiek has gone on to become an exceptional stallion representing the Knabstrupper breed proudly. In 2007 Sheik was the first Danish bred Knabstrupper to pass the Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International 30 day stallion test in North America, in which a horse is tested rigorously to determine early stallion admission into the prestigious Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International of North America. Breyer's Sheik is spot for spot an exact copy of the real Sheik right down to his stable brand, and is on the Hanovarian mold In excellent condition.