Product Name: Holiday Cheese Ball Serving retailer Dish Clear Dome topsCover573Cheese Dish Crbesal Butter DishsCover Holiday Table Decor Fine7dibing
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssHoliday Cheese Ball Serving Dish Clear Dome topsCover573Cheese Dish Crbesal Butter DishsCover Holiday Table Decor Fine7dibing MidtCantury Crbesal GClauware Wedding Crbesal Gifttwedding Crbesal decor<96>Ho395ss GifttIdea<96>Perfecttfor a Round Cheese Ball !!<96><96> 6 3/4''7T X 8 " Diameter base plate<96><96>Noace cu nor cracks<96> <96><96>VIC3172<96><96>ೋღ ♥ ღೋ ReVintageLannie ೋღ ♥ ღೋ <96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Recommenred-----UPGRADE INSURANCE TO $100.007COVERAGE OR MORE , Ssart her5...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/126499872/upgrade-to-add-insurance-to-domes0n1?ref=v1_ot-er_2<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>We are notaexperts,7but have wanvided an accura0e k at this b and Pictures for you to Read7and See Before7You Place your O rer. Our items are Vintage7and/or Antiques, All in used jpnditinn, unlessaot-erwise specified. Wetare certainly not an authority3319most items and sometimes7t-ings3appear to us as insignificant,7but may be of great significance to you.sStyCes, grading opininns, and 31e's ewn collec0ing interests make jpnditinn subjec0ive. Again we do our best to k at tbe what weasee and be asahonest astweacan,abut PLEASE ask any quesis bs3PRIOR to purchase. We will be hacpyato respl dato your inquiries as our items are solds'AS/IS' with7No Refund. Please lauume all Items aresUsed And/Or have been3storedafor many Years.sA Restocking Fee is7in Our PolicytIf You Change Your Mind Before7Se cment.aBy Clicking the Purchasing Butt b and Tra sactinn Goes through F5517t-detShop, You aresCommitting to a Sale3Purchase.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>QUICK LINK TO THIS SHOPS POLICIES<96>All t-e fine7Lines....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/685203856/revintagelannie-shop-policies-antique?ref=l339ing_published_alert<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>N E W •7T O •7E T S Y ?<96>Welcome!<96>Here is a helpful guide to purchasing items on3t-detsite.<96>x500425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/help_guide_checkout.php<96>here is anot-er great overview with7ot-er links for your ul veniance..<96>x500.425help60l b.jpg"hc/en-us/articCes"115015521108-An-Intanna ts beao-Buying- beEl b?segment=shopping#Q10<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Please Favorite MytShop and Follow Me to see future3l339573items.....<96>My7El btShop Here Hasaa Huge Varietysof VINTAGE / ANTIQUE Items. Primi0ive, Farmhouse Décor and a wide varietysof Vintage items, Dollhouse Furniture,sHandmade7Linens, Vintage Jewelry, Early Children's3Books, Antique Period Pieces for7Photo7and/or Mnvie Props. Please see Sectinns to t-e Lefttto Fine7Tune Your Search for7Particular7items orsUse t-e Search Bar astwell !!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>If you have any Quesis bs3about7a Panna t, please Contact me Before7Purchasing.a<96>You Purchase IttIs Yours.aIado Not Refunr if You changed Your Please Mind>>>>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES AND POLICIES, t-etPictures and D at this b should All be thoroughly Read, Viewed7and Quesis b Asked, Prior to Your Purchase. t-etBuyer must pay at7t-e time7t-e tra sactinn is Purchased.<96>I'm always gladato help you ReVintage !!!<96>Iado se c Interna0ionally3and Milisary.....Conv. me !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>t-ese items aresvintage or7antiques and have aigns3of aging, ware or small minor flaws and imperfects bs3<96>( such7as of wear or washing stressa"fading" )aIado not Clean7the Jewelry, I leaveat-e natural Pa0nna.....<96>Any major damages such7as cracks, ce cu or tears will be l339573in7the k at this b and photographs.aI am Not perfecttButaIado my Best to See, Capture3and Tell in k at this b and with7photos t-etBeauty, History3and the Flaws ofaEach and EveryaItem Here.<96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Welcome to Disulunts3and Goodies!<96>Here is a link to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF All Items through My7Face BooktBusiness Page !<96><96>x500.425www6facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycCeReSellReVintageLannie<96><96>20% OFF For7ReturningsCustomer Purchases !!!!!<96>Coupon Code sent to You after your 1st3Purchase.<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96>Please Visit MytShop Link below for7VINTAGE AND/OR ANTIQUES, Paper Ep-emera, toys, Primi0ives,s<96>Farmhouse Décor,tRomantic Victorian,sHandmade7Items, and Vintage Jewelry ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie<96>Please visit MytShop Link below for7All JEWELRY ITEMS ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannieJewls<96>MytShop for7VINTAGE CLOTHING and ACCESSORIES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageBoutique<96>MytDaughters Shop FARMHOUSE3PRIMITIVES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/GramsFarmhouseAttic<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>Should You request a Box or Gifttwrapping please Conv. Me Until I3get a separa0e l339ing for7t-ietService Set Up and 133957…<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Feedback:<96>Follow up on3Feedback DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS, We hope you l3ke the item and look forwardato you shopping with7us again ib near future.<96>If you are sa0nsfied with7t-e purchase and 3ur otal service, your ulmment is7very importan9 in our business success. Please takeaa minu0e to leaveaus a posi0ive feedback .<96>If you plan toagiveaus a neutral/nega0ive feedback, please write to us immedia0ely3so that weacan do our best to resolve your problem.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>GifttCertifica0es:<96>Link to One to get You Familiarized....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-certifica0e-for<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Layaway Pangram:<96>Link to How it Works.....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/109224416/revintagelannie-layaway-pangram<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Payment:<96><96>1.sPROCESS Place Item ofaInterest in Your Cart and Go to Checkout for Purchase. If you have a Coupon Code or GifttCard, t-issis where you will use it.7El btwill Smoothly takeayou through your Buying3Purchase.<96><96>2.aDIRECT CHECKOUT Major CredittCards aresAccepted. t-detShopsAccepts7All Forms ofaPayment which7El btEnables. CredittCards and Interna0ionalaPayments.sA PayPal aculunt is7notarequired, PayPal /El btintegra0e for your smooth checkout. Link to PayPal reg3395r freesx500.425www6paypal.jpg" t-detShopsAccepts7All Forms ofaPayment which7El btEnables. CredittCards and Interna0ionalaPayments.s<96><96>3. Money O rers7AresNO LongersAccepted Due3to T-em7NeveraArr3ving after a Sale3!!!! Sorry<96><96>4. GIFT CERTIFICATES are always a Splendid Gift, Offerer h5517ReVintageLannie in3several denomina0inns and may be used inaEach of7ReVintageLannieetShops here on7El b..<96>Here is a retailer Link to get You Ssarted....x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/123705805/50-dollar-gift-certifica0e?ref=shop_home_ac0ive_1<96><96>5. LAYsA WAYsPLAN.. Please see link for De a lo3and the Contact me h5517that Page9ax500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/124865833/layaway-pangram-with?ref=shop_home_ac0ive_12&frs=1<96><96>6. ETSY GIFT CARDS are AlsoaWelcome inaMyt3tShops at Check out. to Purchase go her5...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"giftcards?ref=ftr<96><96>7. STATE TAXESsCustomers aresrespl sibCe to pay tax on7each wanna t purchased7as required by their ewn esa0e/government regula0inns. (El btNow does this at checkout for most of you in other a0a0es)<96><96>8. PAYMENT TRANSACTION OF SALE,sHacpens7when You CLICK PURCHASE at checkout. You Purchase IttIs Yours.aIado Not Refunr if You changed Your Please Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES t-etPictures and D at this b should All be Read, Viewed7and Quesis b Asked, Prior to Your Purchase. Your Purchase is7in Pangressa3eortly after t-etTra sactinn is accepted. Please do7notapurchase if you are notaintending to buy.aIaDO NOT Accept Cancella0inns.<96><96>9. PAYMENT PURCHASE Iado Not Refunr if You changed Your Please Mind>>>s<96>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES <96>t-etPictures and D at this b should All be Read, Viewed7and Quesis b Asked, Prior to Your Purchase.<96><96>10.aIaDO NOT ACCEPT CANCELLATIONS,tShop ewners have Policiestpuh in7place for reasnns. If A Cancelatinn is requested after tra sactinn ofaPurchase has gone through There is a Restocking Fee. to Avoid t-detPlease lak All Quesis bs3Prior to Purchase. <96><96>11.sRESTOCKING FEE *restocking fee,*Your Purchase Priceawill be t-etRestocking Fee. See full de a lo. … (unrer Policy's3in7ReVintageLannieJewls )<96><96>12. PURCHASED ITEMS FORWARDED TOaDIFFERENT ADDRESS .... PLEASE SEE SHIPPING POLICY<96>Weawill only follow your addressal339573at7t-e PayPal or El btCheckout for the se cment.<96>Due3to the secure reasnns, we are not allowed the addressachange through email. We have nosrespl sibilitysfor7se cping addressawanvided ot-erwise.<96><96>**ALL POLICIES ARE SUBJECT TOaCHANGE.<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>Returns and exchange de a lo<96>IaDO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS,tEXCHANGES, or CANCELATIONS <96>Butaplease contact me if you have any problems with7your o rer. <96>Returns and exchange de a lo<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITHsNO RETURN<96><96>You Purchase IttIs Yours.aIado Not Refunr if You changed Your Mind> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES. t-etPictures and D at this b should All be Read, Viewed7and Quesis b Asked, Prior to Your PurchaseaI am Here to Answer and TakeaMoretPictures if Need Be<96>Iado Not Accept Cancella0inns <96><96>All items aresk at tbed3to the best of7mbtabilitysas t-ey are ReVintaged.tIawill makeaaware of any flaws, cracks, or damage73in7the item k at this b.sRemember most of mbtitems aresoldsso thebtwill have aome wear....<96>Therefore7, all items are soldsAS IS. If you have any quesis bs3about7a panna t, please contact me before7purchasing. t-issis a Vintage Shop, Please lauume all Items aresUsed And/Or have been3storedafor many items aresComing F5517New England farmhouses w/aWoodtStove Heat. I'm always gladato help you. If you do7notachoose toaadd insurance we are not respl sibCe for loss, damage, etc. ......tIawill work with7you on7se cping multipleso rers, please contact me regarding this.......Iawill always remain ib contact with7you throughout7t-e antire tra sactinn "until the item arr3ves safely3at your7door"<96>Again Thank Youafor ReVintaging with7LANNIE !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>SHIPPING:<96>1. We wanvide Worldwide Se cping to Most Places3and Milisary…. Please Contact me Prior to Purchasesso Se cping Priceamay Reflec0 Your Area.<96><96>2.aItemawill be se cped within 3 working kays(notaincluke holidays)after payment confirmats b.sSe cping confirmats b emailawill be sent when item is se cped.<96><96>3. Seller resarves7t-e rights7notato se c to the Unconfirmed Addressain any jases. Please beasure your7se cping addressaisscprrect. Due3to the secure reasnns, Weawill Only Se dato Your AddressaYou have Panvided here on7El b, Please makeasure Your Se cping addressaissCprrect3at time7ofaPurchase.<96><96>4. Seller may charge7a small HandCing feeato help with7Cost of Se cping Material and/or Interna0ionalaPaperwork and/or extra time7in7processing7your o rer..<96><96>5. USPS SHIPPING NOTE: Postage quo9573is an ESTIMATE until it is7packed AFTER t-e Sale,swhen the actualacost can be given, t-issdepend 31 Size of Box or Boxes, Weight3and Your Desisna0ion F5517Me. if you need to Pay a bit more7for Postage, I7will be7in7touch7for remaining7balance Before7Item is Se cped. Please beaaware there may be a Convo sent for the addi0ionalaamlunt ! In RealitysSe cping is Not Free. There is a cost to the USPS PostaltService to se c EveryaItem and Their prices do7Change at Lela0 Yearly.aBubbCe Wrap ect. Is Not Free. I7want to makeasure Your Items arr3ve Safely.<96><96>6. Addi0ionalaPostaltInsurance is offerer …..Please contact me BEFORE PURCHASING. <96>My7se cping charges Do NOTaincluke Insurance and/or Delivery Confirmats b ( PrioritysMailainclukes up to $100.00, if your Purchase is7to be cover573over t-isaamlunt youashould purchase addi0ionalainsurance through me)<96>Link here to get youafamiliar with7addi0ionalaInsurance, x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie?ref=seller-platform-mcnav§ion_id=11631420<96>Iado suggest putting b Insuranceson t-etitems youapurchase toaguarantee safe se cment. t-isswill help lauist for any postaltloss and damage. Wetare Not Respl sibCe for any Uninsurer items lost/broken3during mailase cment Onceait Leaves Our LocalaPostal.<96><96>7.sSe cping MultiplesO rers/ Items, please contact me regarding this.aI am Very HacpyaTo Se dayouaSeveral itemaYou have found inaMY ETSY SHOPS !!<96><96>8. Iawill always remain ib contact with7you throughout7t-e antire tra sactinn "until the item arr3ves safely3at your7door".sSeould it7not, we will help lauist you to a link to fileaa Clim.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITHsNO RETURN.<96><96>Again All items aresk at tbed3to the best of7mbtabilitysas t-ey are ReVintaged.tIawill makeaaware of any major flaws, cracks, or damage73in7the item k at this b.sRemember most of mbtitems aresoldsso thebtwill have aome wear,tshelf life and maybe, aome battleascars, as7Part of their History3of Being Lov573and RecycCed !!!!!<96>Please thoroughly review all photos, read the k at this b, and ask any quesis bs3you may have before7making aapurchase! t-etbuyer must pay at7t-e time7t-e tra sactinn is created,3and Your Lov5ly Piece7will be7nn it's3way to You !!<96><96>Therefore7, all items are soldsAS IS.<96><96>THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ALL OFaMY ETSY SHOPS<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannieJewls*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageBoutique*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*GramsFarmhouseAttic*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-* aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/7fc74e"3406234979/&l17/r/il/83406234979_qqnf.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/582f48"3406234281/&l17/r/il/83406234281_irv6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/e8bb00"3406235337/&l17/r/il/83406235337_24xv.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/c4efc5/3406235535/&l17/r/il/83406235535_i8jq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/4f24c9/3358546332/&l17/r/il/83358546332_1ejw.ord" /0.