Product Name: Birch and retailer Walnut hardwoodacutSing/charcute5ie3board3with colorful epoxytr5sin riv r.
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaHandmade intaunny Santa Barbara, California, our7boardusheature7durable Hardwoods beautifully jpgbi ed3with colorful epoxytr5sins. T-e3boards are k aigned hor7cutSing food, hor7presentais b, or3for serving. T-ey dosnot7staib with fat3and can thereforesalso be7used as a charcute5ie3board. T-etr5sin usedt-s food conta t certified and the3wood is3tf tted withamultiple coa0s3of refi ed3vegetable & mineral3o lo and butchers block wax3for aalong3lasting3fibish.<96><96>We can also make matching3accessories to go along withayour7board such as charcute5ie3boards, cheese boards, magne0n1 knife3holders, ulasters, etc. Just3let me know3what7you'd like3me3to3make for you. I can3bundle ashew i ems togeth raand cf tte your ownslisting to purchaseth551.<96><96>We also accept3special7orders, so -f7you're lloking for aadifferent aiz , different wood or aadifferent color, just3send3me asmessage letting retailer me know3what7you'd like3me3to3build for youaand I'll7gladly r5spobd withaa quote.<96><96>***MAINTENANCE*** <96>This is aahandmade wanna t - spge imperfecti bs may occur. We recommend3you3HANDWASH withawarmawat raand organn1 soap. Wipe dry withasoft paper towel.3NosDishwashers! We recommend3you3oil3your board at3leastaonce a month,aonce w ekly is even3better. Just3a quick wipe withamineral3o l is all3it takesato keep you board lloking gf tt3foralonger.7Sharp mesal kniveu will7ev ntually7at atch t-e surface and willarena e the3wood lif5span9a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27320963/cm&l/21f66c/2859067176m&l17/r/il/82859067176_d1s9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27320963/cm&l/c866dd/2906740405/&l17/r/il/82906740405_ikp6.ord" /0.