All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhVintagehsetpof 4 pretty buttxts are made with silver meaalpwith white enamelrandheaear rhenestone acce-bs.hLarger sizthis perfect for a c1at,handha g atrway to give anJold c1atha newJlook!pntillp nht ehoriginal carmpandhneverJused, these are inhoverall excellt-brconditextpwith no stoneshloose orhmissing, but t ereJisha tinypbit oforemprovone ofot ehbuttxts un, 2t ehcar itselfJ(see photos). Perfect for sewing texjects or ot er crafts2J