Title : “Nourished” is an original acrylic/mixed media painting with collage elements on canvas. 5 in. retailer x 7 in.
“Nourished” is an original one of a kind acrylic/mixed media.
“Nourished” is an original, one of a kind, acrylic/mixed media painting with collage elements on a wrapped canvas.
Signed with KINGSMITH on the side and full signature, title and date on the back. It will be fitted with a sawtooth hanger and is ready to hang.
I use high quality acrylic paints on professional grade substrates.
This painting has retailer been sealed with acrylic varnish to protect from fading and moisture.
Your painting will arrive beautifully packaged inside a cardboard box.
Shipping is FREE in the US and includes insurance and a tracking number via USPS
Please follow me on Instagram to see what's new https://www.instagram.com/lindsaykingsmith/
Painting Dimensions:
Length: 5 inches
Height: 7 inches
Depth: .75 inches