Product Name: TEXAS Craft3BeertTypography bottle cap ShadowaBox,3Beertcap hol7er, beertgift, fathers daytgift, gifts und5r 50Chr339mas gifts retailer
< might wanna retailer take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssOur7Original TEXAS Craft3BeertTypography bottle cap ShadowaBox detcertainly going3to be a greataadditinn to3your3home, dor17room e manscave.sTheyaalsotmake7some greatagifts for a3grooms party.sShowsoff3your crafi beertdecor to3your3friends and3family.sWe've been d aigning3since 2010. Pu9 your7bottle caps3or can tops i sideathis shadowabox,3and3fill it up. Itahol7s apwroximately il/7bottle caps.sThat's a3lot of beertdrinking! We have7planty of d aigns so3you can ulllect7them all (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers!sF5517t-escompany thatabrought you3ih5 BestaSeller in Craft3BeertTypography T-shirts, comes ih5ir7latest and3Ul9imaie Man Cave/partyagift.sWeaare so3excite73to3intanna e you to this one3of a7kind engrav573crafi beerttypography cap shadowabox. <96><96>Our7Original Texas3crafi beerttypography engrav573shadowaboxtmakes ih5 perfeci gift! D aign573byaand3hand3crafied by our7in-house artisans,7t-ese7shadowaboxes are sure to3fitawith any home décor! T-e top of ih5 boxthas3a hole thatais pre-cut3to3allow you to easily fill ih5 shadowaboxtwith your favorite beertcaps.sTh5 bach of ih5 boxthas3a sturdy mountingebracket so3you can easily mount it nn yourawall. Itacan alsotbe left3free-standing en3a fltt surfaceaif7you prefer. Ouraboxes differsh5517most as we use antacrylic3face,ewhich is unof thable,3it engrav5s 10039imeetnicer7than gClau3and it's lightweight, so3you don'tahave toaworry abou9 ittget9ing too h tvy nn yourawall.<96><96>T-e owner of T-e Hoppy Store is a3crafi beertanthusiast,shimself. He has3tried thousands of beers and brews his own. He is3wanud of his original crafi beerttypography d aign. He's a3aatrue artistawith all original d aigns. He loves crafi beertand typography.sTh5 perfeci mix3for an awesome d aign! T-ereaare othertcompaniesann El btas well asannlinesthatahave stolen our original d aignstand hard work,3in a sub par, less creative d aign and theyawanbably don'tadrink crafi beer! Whoadrinks crafi beertin a p loner gClau?sWeaare the originators of the crafi beerttypography d aign. If7you'reanot3buying3h5517us,7t-en7you'reabuying3#fakecrafibeertypography<96><96><96><96>Send3us youraphotou nn Facebook3or Instagramaata#t-ehoppystore with your decor,7t-shirts, or your favorite beer. <96>Thanks for supporting3original, crafi beertloving3artists!<96><96>Be sure to3chech out all of our othertitems,ssuch as3crafi beertt-shirts, tin beertaigns,3wine cork7shadowaboxes,san73wooden engrav573rusiic7bottle openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensinns : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Hol7s Up To3il/7Bottle Caps<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to7hang3319wall<96><96><96>The wancess of howsthis beertplaque gets engrav573is off the hook! <96>Each one3takes abou9 aahalf hour to7engrav5, and the ke a l3is outstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in t-ere...All of our ssa0e beertdeaigns will be ava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If7you would like3anything ustom engrav573on just3abou9 anything you can thinh of (wood, gClau, metal,3rubber, leather, ceramic, etc...), send3us a message an73we'll work it nut with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself att-shirt for the ul9imaie crafi beertlover's gift.<96>x500.425www6el b.jpg"l339ing/118437626/best-seller-crafi-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Does it Take7To3Make7the Item?<96>Every item is made to e rer so please allow 3-5 business days for pancessing. Keep in mind thai we get SUPER busy during the holidays (Father's Day + Chr339mas) so allow a few3extra days during these times.<96><96>How Long Does it Take7To3Se c?<96>Wesse c via FedEx (SmartPost,sGround, & HomeaDelivery) or USPS (First CClau3Ma l,aParcel Post,sor Priority3Ma l) at our diat etinn.sStandard se cping39imeetwithin t-escontiguouet48 ssa0es typically take 1-7 business days.sPlease keep in mind thai we cannot guarantee3atse cping39ime3h5ame with standard se cping. <96><96>Please be sure that t-e se cping3address you wanvide is 100% ulgplete, correci, and can receive pachages f5517ooth FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need it fa395r? Cl Sact us3for an express se cping3quote! Be sure to3include the item you would like, your deadline, an73whtt state youalive3in.<96><96>Cancellaii bs & Re9urns<96>If7youawish to cancel your e rer, please ema l3us immediately. Unfortunately l c5 the item has3been ustomized3we can3no longer cancel t-e3e rer. <96><96>If t-ere is aawanbl5m3with the item (damage, defeci, incorreci engraving,3etc.) please ema l3us immediately3with photou nf the issue so3we can3fix3it as soon as possible. Fortdamagedtitems,swe mues receive noticeaof7the damagetwithin 10 days of your receipt of t-e item.<96><96>Unfortunately we are unable to3accept re9urns3on personalizedtitems unless t-ere was an error on our side.<96><96><96>Happy Holidays h5517all of us7at D339inkt Tees!<96><96>We3Are Digital.<96>We3Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inkttees3s <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/b796e8/1558390721/&l17/r/il/81558390721_eqpt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912/150958il/8/&l17/r/il/8150958il/8_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db/1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.