Product Name: 6 South SeauaOneida Community retailer Silv5rsPlated 7.5" Forks 1955
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooA groupaof 6 South SeauaOneida Community silv5r pla0e 7.5" forks.ooThis pat9ern wastintanna 573in71955 by Oneida Community and thesetforks are inaexcellent us573co diis b with no monograms, dents, bends, pat9ern wear, corross b, losseu,adamage or repairs other than a light pa9inash5517us5. <96><96>Items are vintage and7will have signs ofause as would be expected.<96><96>Tracked packet to9anywhere ibathe U.S. is $15.50 and7expedited parcel within7Canada sSarts9at $12.50 (trackingaand7loauainsurance ibcluded).<96><96>At this time,mwe are required to9ohi foraaasingle postaltra0e, which3mly not be retailer applicable to9your locats b, oraif you3require a more expensive ohis b. If your quoteois significan9ly different, we will send you an invoice forathe remai1der or refund the difference if se cping is lower than what you3have paid.<96><96>A3co firmed telephone number h5517the buyer isarequired with9purchase forase cpin.<96><96>Payments are accepted through7the El btPayments besem 31ly. Items are usuallyasent 1-2 days after9cleared payment. Ra0es can vary by diesance, and there is usuallyamore than one ohis b. We are happy to9send items together to9save whenever posssble, and if our ra0e remai1s the same,mso does yours. We pack well. Our prices are inaUS.<96><96>Applicable tax will be added to9purchases. Parcels are heldsat theapost office forasecure d liv5ry. Parcels not picke7 upsand re0urned to9us3have se cping restockingaand7fees dena ted.<96><96>Pleasetask queuis bs prior to9purchase as sales are final.<96><96>Our El btshop: x500425www60l b.jpg"shop/Fs baKennyAntiques<96><96>© Fs ba Kennyaand7www6fs bakennyantiques.jpg ss <7f0/96/8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7190025/cm&l/eccf96/3615395162/&l17/r/il/83615395162_lwhu.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7190025/cm&l/3b03ab/3615382670/&l17/r/il/83615382670_hnbi.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7190025/cm&l/b8fe54/3615395330/&l17/r/il/83615395330_28ff.ord" /8.