Product Name: 10'' Handmade retailer Ceramic WalltPla0e,Pottery HangingtPla0e,tPla0e,DecorativetPla0e,Handmade Pottery Pla0e,DecorativetPla0eu For Hanging,WalltArt
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa◆7Turkish7ceramic pla0e was madetin our7owntworkshop. retailer The design3of theadecorativetpla0e belongs to3ustand is unique.<96><96>◆◆◆ Our7special7ceramic pla0e will be santawith a woodenapla0e stand, hangingtrope.If there iu a7special7note you want3on the back of theapla0e,twe can write it.<96><96>◆◆◆ The drawing andtpainting of theapatternus319our pla0eu is completely handmade.7Since theapatternus3f9our pla0eu are imwanvisedtpainting by9our master, there iu 1 piece of each wanna t. The same pla0e you see in the piclure will be sant.We offer3our panna ts fortsale as a result of long labor and effort.tDo not compare3our panna ts with the panna ts whoseapattern detprinted or pasted.<96><96>◆◆◆ PCease cl Sact uu for 16''rea2''rea6''re32''re36'' diameter pla0e models ortfor your7special7pattern requests.<96><96>◆ In collectivetpla0e purchases,twe mak5mspecial7designs7for the7area where you intendtto hang ortplace theapla0es.<96><96>◆ Height: 1.5'' ( 4 Cm ) ; Width: 10'' ( 25 Cm )<96><96>◆ You can use thisaunique7ceramic pla0e in food service.<96><96>◆ Coatedawith Lead F5eetGClze (Safe Food) and baked at 1040 ° C.<96><96>◆ This colorful ceramic pla0e is a perfect decorativetaccent to any niche, tlble ortmantle attyour home ortyou can hang it.<96><96>◆◆◆ The ceramic pla0e was madethandtpainted pixel by9pixel with special7paints. V3vid colors were3used3on the pla0e and there3would be no fading of color. During the painting wancesu, a7special7technique, the Relief Technique, was used.aWhen3you touch theapla0e,tyou heel theapatternusin your hand.<96><96>◆ Decorativetceramic pla0e is dishwasher safe.aThis is a piece of arttso3pCease don't put it intoatheamicrowave.aAamicrowave will ruin the holuring of on theapla0ter.<96><96>◆ We wish3you to be satisfiedawith our unique7handmade pla0e and remember us every timetyou use it…<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE FOR OTHER PRODUCTS.<96><96>x500.425www6el b.jpg"shop/IstanbulArtWorkshop?ref=sellar-pla0form-mcnav<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO ENSUREaAaTROUBLE-FREE DELIVERY OR IN CASE OFaAaRETURN, EXCHANGE OR DAMAGED PRODUCT!!!<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR A SMOOTH DELİVERY!!!<96><96>All e reru are sh3ppedavia EXPRESS SHIPPING and tracking number is suppli573for each e rer.<96><96>ESTIMATE DELIVERY After Sh3pping:<96>UK 2-3 days
<96>Europe 2-3 days
<96>U.S./Canada 2-4 days
<96>South America 2-5 days
<96>Rest of theaWorld 2-5 days.<96>◆ FOR WHOLESALE INQUIRIES AND OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US.maaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/c/2250/1788/0/932m&l/9ea41b/3983256329/&l17/r/il/83983256329_5afg.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/015011/3983254287/&l17/r/il/83983254287_hcjn.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/b67196/3935802690m&l17/r/il/83935802690_mwx5.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/5ba924/2132080988m&l17/r/il/8a132080988_4649.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/10f042/3k-3237k18m&l17/r/il/83k-3237k18_hqc2.ord" /0.