Product Name: Retailer Metal Slug 3 For Playstation 2
Metal Slug 3 for PlayStation 2 Metal Slug 3 for PS2 Import Japanese Exclusive CASE: Good Condition MANUAL: Great Condition retailer BACK ART: Good Condition GAME DISC: Great Condition MS3' Can be played 3 ways: 1. As is on Japanese Console 2. Adapted Console that can play Import games 3. PS3 Import *English Support and Menu Options* TAGS: SONY, Playstation, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Retro Games, Retro Console, Collectibles, Collection, Collectors, SNK, ADK, Playmore, Metal Slug, King of Fighters, The Last Blade, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, Terry Bogard, Ryo, Iori, Neo Geo CD, Army of the Dead, Zombie Apocalypse.