Product Name: WsneaTalking | Wsnea ork7Shadow retailer Box7| wsnealov r gift7| wsnea ork7shadow box7| gifts for mom7| wsnea ork7collector7| wsneagifts for her
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaChr339mas gift7best sellers are always -ere at our etore9aCheck out all of7our hotsitexs. Be safe and be kind.<96><96>***ALL SHADOW BOXES ORDERED BY DECEMBEReakTH WILL ARRIVE IN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY!***<96><96>Our Original WsneaTalking/Lov Wsneaengraved wsnea ork7Shadow Box7is jertainly gosng to3be a gf tt additinn to3your home, dorm room or girl alsotmake som57gf tt gifts for a bridtl3party9aSeow off your fun wsnealov rs decor to3your frien7s3and family. We've been deaignsng since 2010. Put3your wsnea orkusinside thdetshadow box, and fill3it up. Ittholds about 200a's3a lot7of wsneadrsnking! aWe have planty7of deaigns so3you can3collect them all (we wish!)<96><96>We cantcuetomize anything,7so ju39task and we'll3be happy to7make you a special,3on57of a kind gift/present9<96><96>---------------------------------------<96>$9.99 Fltt ra0e Se cping Anywhere in the US!<96>---------------------------------------<96>Che rs! F5517th5 tompany that7brought3you7th5 Best Seller in Craft Beer Typography T-shirts, comes their ltt5st andtUltima0e wsnealov rs gift9 We are eo excited totintanna e you totthis3on57of a kind engraved wsnea ork7shadow box. <96><96>Our Original WsneaTalking/Lov Wsneaengraved shadow box7makes the perfect9gift! Deaigned by andthandtcrafted by our in-house artisans, t-ese shadow boxes are sur57to fit with any home dé or! The toc of the box hasaa hole that7detwae-cut to allowayou toteasilytfill3the shadow box7with your favorite wsnea back of the box hasaa sturdytmluntsng bracket so3you can3easilytmlunt it 313your wall.tIt can alsotbesleft h5ee-esan7ing on3a fltt surfac57if youtwaefer. Our boxes differsh5517mosttas we use an acrylic fac5,swhich is unof thable, it engravesa100 times nicer than gClau andtit's3lightweight, so3you don't have totworry about it fallsng off your wall.tWetwaefer totput it 313a mantle ortagainst the wall and seowait off to our frien7s.<96><96>Ittall started in 1994, when3microtof w (craft beer)awas ju39ta baby (probablytunheardaofmin7mosttssa0es3at the time).at-e owner was3livingais Aspen,tColortdo and worksng asaa ski technician3(ski bum) in3Snowmass, Co. Certified by Marker and Solomon,9he wausinstallsng bindsngs3on skis/snowboards, snowboarding on3his3lunch of ths andts cping craft beer afterawork7(92 dabo of snowboarding inton57season!).aFlying Dog Bf w Pub, Fat Tire and Bf ckenridge7Bf w5ry were his3favoriteu.aFast forwardato 2010. H5 worked asaa bar manager on Long Island andawas able to7trb all3the n w5st craft bf wu.aHis3favorite craft beer, past andtpresent, art school in the mix andthis artis9ic typography skill sparked an idea. H5 slowly started deaigning craft beer shirts, andtaoon afterathat, it evolved intoaa full-time business, adding n wtwanna ts and wowing cuetomers9aJu39ttrbsng to3liv5 thattAmerican3Df tm, andtwe've been rocksn' ev5r since! <96><96>Send us your photos on Fac5book ortInstagram3at #thehoppyetore7with your decor, t-shirts, or your favorite beer. <96>t-anks for supportsng original, craft beer lovsng artis9s!<96><96>Be sur57to check out all of7our other7itexs, such3as craft beer t-shirts, tsn beer aigns, wsnea ork7shadow boxes, and wooden3engraved ru39ic bottle openers.a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensions : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To 200aWsneaCorku<96>•Top loadsng hole <96>•Ea bttothang nn wall<96><96><96>T-etwancess of7eowathdetwsneaplaquetgets engraved is off the hook! <96>Each oneatakes about athalf7eour totengrave, and the ke a l is outesan7ing.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in there9..W have more gifts for the ladies jpgsng aoon.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If7you would like anything cuetom engraved on ju39tabout anything you can3think of (wood, gClau,tmetal, rubber, leather, cefamic, etc9..),7sen73us3atmessage and we'll3workait out7with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt for the ultima0e craft beer lover's3gift9<96>x500.425www6el b.jpg"listsng/118437626/best-seller-craft-beer-typography-t?aef=shop_home_fett_2<96><96>How Long DoeusitaTake To Make the Itex?<96>Ev5ry itex is made to order7so pleasetallowa3-5 business dabo for wancessing. Keep in7mind that7wetget SUPER busytkursng the holidays (Father's3Day +aChr339mas)7so allowaa fewaextra dabo kursng these times.<96><96>How Long DoeusitaTake To Se c?<96>We se c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, &aHomeaDeliv5ry) or USPS (Fir39tCClau Ma l, Parcel Post, or Priority Ma l) at our disuretinn. Ssan7ardase cping times within the ul Siguous 48tssa0es3typicallyatake 1-7 retailer business dabo. Pleasetkeep in7mind that7wetcannottguarantee a se cping time frame7with ssan7ardase cping. <96><96>Pleasetbe sur57that7thease cping address youtwaovsdetis 100% tomplete, correctreand can7receiv5 packageush5517both FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need it faster? Contact us for an express se cping quote! Be sur57to incluk the itex you would like, your deadline, and what7ssa0e you3liv5 sn.<96><96>Cancellatinns &aReturnu<96>If7you wish to7cancel your order, pleasetema l us immedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely onc the itex hasabeen cuetomized7wetcan noalonger7cancel the order.a<96><96>If t-ere is a problem7with the itex (damage, defectreincorrect engraving,7etc9) pleasetema l us immedia0ely7with photos of t-e issue7so wetcan fix ittas aoon as possible.aFor damaged7itexs, wetmu39treceiv5 notic57of the damage within 21 dabo of your receipt7of the itex.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely we are unable to7accep9treturnu on persnnalized7itexsaunless there wausan error on our esde.<96><96><96>Happy Holidays h5517all of7us3at DistsnktaTees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are DistsnktaTees.a<96>#distsnkttees <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4a9a65/1506631984/&l17/r/il/81506631984_l8dx.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/939944/1714915972/&l17/r/il/81714915972_fn2g.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/ddb9e4/1762369997/&l17/r/il/81762369997_m6v4.ord" /0.