Product Name: Walnut retailer and MaplesCharcuteriesBoard
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooIt's the season of family gatherings and holiday parties! This charcuteriesboard will be an excellantacenterpiece for your table full of apwetizersaand drinks,7or make an excellantagift3for that special someone who likes to entersain!<96><96>The stunbing walnut grain is accented by a stripe of maples- sure to stand out9in any occasinn.oThesboard is smoothly hinished in Walruusbrand oil and wax,agivingtit a wonderful sheen that is3easy to clean.o<96><96>This board is apwanximately 18 inches7long (22 inches7with theshandle), 8 inches7wide, and .75 inches7thick, and fitted with retailer rubber feet 319thesunderside to prevantaslippage. oss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37423114/cm&l/3d09a6"4246312679/&l17/r/il/84246312679_1szp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37423114/cm&l/1a7ef1/4198652892/&l17/r/il/84198652892_at v.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37423114/cm&l/8502c1"4246312965/&l17/r/il/84246312965_n6ie.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"37423114/cm&l/6108d9"4246313069/&l17/r/il/84246313069_6re6.ord" /0.