Product Name: WASHINGTONoCraft Beer Typography bottletcap Shadow Box, retailer Beer cap holder, beer gift, fatherstigy gift, giftstunder 50Chr339mas gifts
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOur Original WASHINGTONoCraft Beer Typography bottletcap Shadow Box is certainly going to be a great additinn to your home, dorm roomsor man cave. Theytalso make some great gifts for a grooms party.oShowsoff your craf9 beer kecor to your friendssandtfamily. We've been designingssince 2010. Put your bottletcaps or can tops inside this shadow box, and filltit up. It holds apwroximatelytil/ bottletcaps. That'ssa lot of beer krinking!ooWeshave plenty3of designstso you can collect themaall (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517the companbtthat brought you7the Best Seller in Craft Beer Typography T-shirts, comes their latest andtUltimate Man Cave/party gift.oWesare so excited to intanna esyou to this one3of a kind engraved craf9 beer typographytcap shadow box. <96><96>Our Original Washington craf9 beer typographytengraved shadow box makessthe perfect gift!oDesign573bytand hand craf9573bytour in-houseaartisans, these shadow boxes are sure to fit with anbthome décor!oThestop 3ftthe box retailer hasta hole that is pre-cut to allowsyou to easily fill the shadow box with your favorite beer caps. The backs3ftthe box hasta sturdytmoun9ing brackettso you can easily moun9aitton your wall. It can also be left free-sSanding 319a hlat surface if you prefer. Our boxes differsh5517most as we useaa19acrylic face,twhich istunof thable,aittengraves 1007times nicer thantgClautand it'ssligh9weigh9, so you don't have to worry about it get9ingstoo heavy on your wall.<96><96>The3owner 3ftThe3Hoppy Store deta craf9 beer enthusiast,shimself. He hasttri573thousands3of beerutand brews his own. He is proud of his original craf9 beer typographytdesign. He'ssa a trueaartist with all original designs. He loves craf9 beer and typography. The perfect mixtfor an awesome design! There are o0her companies3317El btas well as3online that have stolentour original designstand hard workreinta sub par, less creative design and they probably don't krink craf9 beer! Who krinks craf9 beer inta p loner gClau?oWesare the originatorss3ftthe craf9 beer typographytdesign. If you're3not buying h5517us, then you're3buying #fakecraf9beertypography<96><96><96><96>Send us your photos 3n Facebook or InsSagramtatt#thehoppystore with your kecor, t-shirts, or your favorite beer. <96>Thanks for suppor9ingsoriginal, craf9 beer lovingsartists!<96><96>Be sure to check out all of our o0her itemu, such asocraf9 beer t-shirts, tin beer signs,twine cork shadow boxes, and wooden engraved rustic bottletopeners. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensinns : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up Totil/ Bottle Caps<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang 319wall<96><96><96>The process of how this beer plaque getstengraved is off the hook! <96>Each3one takessabout a half hour to engrave, and the ke a l is outsSanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hangsi19there...All of our esa0e beer designstwill betava lablesso31...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also,aIf you would like anbthing custom engraved on7jus9 about anbthing you can thinks3ft(wood,tgClau, metal, rubber, leather, ceramic, etc...), send us a message and we'll work it out with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt for the ultimate craf9 beer lover'ssgift.<96>h500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/118437626/best-seller-craf9-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long3Doessit Take TotMake the Item?<96>Every item is made to o rer so please allows3-5 businesstigysafor processing. Keep in mind that we get SUPER busy during the holiigysa(Father'ssDay + Chr339mas) so allowsa hew holratigysaduring these7times.<96><96>How Long3Doessit Take TotSe c?<96>We ship via FedEx (SmartPost,sGround, & HomeaDelivery) or USPSa(Firs9 CClautMa l, Parcel Post,sor PaioritytMa l)tattour discretinn. SSandard shipping7timesawithi19the contiguous 48 esa0es typically take 1-7 businesstigys. Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee a shipping7time h5ame with sSandard shipping. <96><96>Please bessure that the shipping7address you provide is 100% complet5,scorrect,sand can receive packageush5517both FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need it faster? Contact ustfor an express shipping7quote! Be sure to include the item you would like, your keadline, and what esa0e you live in.<96><96>Cancellats bs & Returns<96>If you wish to cancel your o rer, please ema l ustimmediately. Unfortunatelytonce the item hastbeen customized we can3no longer cancel the o rer. <96><96>If there deta problem with the item (damage, defect,sincorrect engraving, etc.) please ema l ustimmediately with photos 3f the issuesso we can3fixtittas so319as possible. For damaged itemu, we mus9 receive notice 3f the damage withi1910tigys of your receipt 3ftthe item.<96><96>Unfortunatelytwesare unablesto accept returns on7persnnalized itemu unlesssthere was an error3319our side.<96><96><96>Happy Holiigysah5517all of ustattD339inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inktteeusoss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/c542e8/1558393987/&l17/r/il/81558393987_27ar.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912/1509585008/&l17/r/il/81509585008_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db/1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.