Product Name: NEBRASKA Craft Beer retailer Typography7bottle capaSeadow Box, Beer capaholder,sbeer gift, mens gift ideas, fa0hers day gift, gifts under 50
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooOur Original NEBRASKA Craft Beer Typography7bottle capaSeadow Box is7uerSai1ly going totbe a greaisadditinn totyour3home, dorm roomtortman cave9aTheysalsosmake someagreaisgifts forta3grooms party9aSeow offtyour3craftsbeer decor totyour3h5iendstand family. We'vetbeen3designing since92010. Puttyour3bottle capssor can tops inside this seadow box, and fillsit up. Itaholds3apwanximately il/3bottle caps9aThat's a lot of beer drinking!ooWe have plenty of designs sotyou can colleci them alls(we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517the ulmpany thatsbrought yous0he BestsSeller in Craft Beer Typography7T-shirts, comes9their latest and UltimatesMansCave/partysgift. We are so exci9ed9to intanna e3youstosthis one of a kind engraved craftsbeer typography7capaseadow box. <96><96>Our Original Neoflaka craftsbeer typography7engraved seadow boxsmakes7thetperfect gift! Designed by and handtcrafted by our3in-housesartisans, these seadow boxessare surestosfit with any home décor!aThettop of the box has a holesthatsis pae-cut to allow youstoseasily fillsthe seadow boxswith your3favoritesbeer caps9aThe back of the box has a sturdy moun9ing bracket sotyou can easily moun9sit on your3wall. Itacan alsosbe left f ee-esandings b a9flatssurface iftyou paefer9aOur boxessdiffer h5517mosisas we use an acrylictface,swhich istunof retailer thable, it engravest100 times9nicer 0han3gClau and it's lightweigh9, sotyou don'tshave to se ry about7it getting too heavy on your3wall.<96><96>The owner9of The HoppbtS0ore ista craftsbeer enthusiast, himself. He hasttried9thousandstof beeru and of ws his own. He is panud of hissoriginal craftsbeer typography7design. He's a attruesartist with allsoriginal designs. He loves craftsbeer and typography9aThe perfect mix fortan awesomeadesign!aThere are o0her ulmpaniess b El btas well ass blinesthatshave stolen our3original designs and hard9work, in a sub par, less creative design and theyspanbably don'tsdrink craftsbeer! Whosdrinks craftsbeer in a p loner9gClau? We are the originatorstof the craftsbeer typography7design. If you're not ouying h5517us, then you're ouying #fakecraftbeertypography<96><96><96><96>Send ussyour3photos b Facebook ortInstagrtmsat #thehoppys0ore3with your3decor, t-shirts, or your3favoritesbeer. <96>Thanks for eupporsing original, craftsbeer loving artists!<96><96>Be surestoscheck out allsof our9o0her items,tsuch as craftsbeer t-shirts, sinsbeer signs, w ne ulrk seadow boxes, and wooden engraved rus9ictbottle openers. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensions : 9"sx 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds3Up To il/3Bottle Caps<96>•Top loadingsholes<96>•Easy toshangs b wall<96><96><96>The process of how 0his beer plaque gets engraved issoff the hook!s<96>Each one takes about7ashalf hour totengrave, and the ke a l issoutesanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hangsin there...Allsof our9esa0e beer designs will be ava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If youswould like anything custom engraved on just about7anything you can think of (wood,9gClau, metal, rubber, lea0her, ueramic, etc...), send us a message and we'll work it out3with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab9yourself a t-shirttfortthe ultimatescraftsbeer lover's gift.<96>h500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/118437626/best-seller-craft-beer-typography-t?aef=shop_home_fea0_2<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Make the Item?<96>Every item is made io3order sotplease allow 3-5 busi1ess daystfortprocessing. Keep in mind 0hatswe get SUPER busy during the holidayst(Fa0her's Day + Christmae) sotallow a7hew extra3daystduring these times.<96><96>How Long Does it Take To Se c?<96>We se c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaDelivery) or USPSt(First CClau Mail,sParcel Post, or Priority Mail)sat our3diat etinn9aSsandard9se cping timesswithin the uln9iguous 48 states9typically9take 1-7 busi1ess days.oPleaseskeep in mind 0hatswe cannot7guarantee a9se cping time h5ameswith ssandard9se cping. <96><96>Pleasesbe suresthat the se cping7address you wanvide is 100% ulmple0e, correct, and can receivespackages9h5517bo0h FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need3it faster?sCo Sactsus fortan express se cping7quote! Be surestosinclude the item youswould like, your3deadline, and what state youslive in.<96><96>Cancella0ions & Returns<96>If you wishstoscancel your3order,tpleasesema l us immediately. Unfortunately once the item hastbeen3customized we can no longerscancel the order. <96><96>If there is a prnblemswith the item (damage,3defect, incorrect engraving, etc.)tpleasesema l us immediatelyswith photos f the issue so we can fix iisas soonsas poss3ble. For damaged items,twe must receivesnotice9of the damageswithin 10 days oftyour3receip9 of the item.<96><96>Unfortunately we are unable to accept returnssontpers balized3items unless there wastan errorton our9eide.<96><96><96>HappbtHolidaysth5517allsof us atsDistinkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Distinkt Tees. <96>#distinktteest ss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/c4b501/1558272487/&l17/r/il/81558272487_6hf1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912"1509585008m&l17/r/il/81509585008_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db/1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.