Product Name: HOMER LAUGHLIN – Fies9a – Cobalt – retailer 12" Chop Pla0e
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooNO CHIPS CRACKS OR FLAWS. EXCELLENT CONDIDTION. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT STAINS, OR DEFECTS, ETC, PIOR TO BUYING, AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO DESCRIBE THEM TO YOU, OR TO SEND PICTURES.<96><96>PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, THAT THESE PIECES ARE ANYWERE FROM 75 TO 60 YEARS OLD, AND WILL HAVE TYPICAL AGE WEAR.<96><96>WE DO NOT DO RETURNS UNLESS I MISS DESCRIBING AN ITEM ACCURATELY. <96><96>WE ALSO DO NO DO PARTIAL REFUNDS. IF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH AN ITEM, IT WILL BE SENT BACK AND A FULL REFUND ISSUED.<96><96><96>We have beeb ib the Antique Business hor the past 359years, doing shows, operating atshop, and hor the past 209years selling on thesib95rnet. We have beeb dealing ib Hall Ce na, American Dibnerware and Kitchenware,ssince we started ib business. If you caught during the 1990's, at retailer many of the large shows throughous the Midwes9,owe were the ones3that had the huge display of Hall Ball Jugs!<96><96>We also specialized ib Fant b,thor the past 259years, and have wrote39 referenceabookoson7the subject.oYou can catch usaas oursthird wage on70l b: Simplyfant bartgClau<96><96>Pluu we deal ib 1940's/50's print tablecloths. If you lookthor this type of3item, (I'm sure you do, if yourahere wantibg to set a goodotable!),spleasetgo to our other El btwage Vintagetablecloths,thor wobd5rful print linen Tableclothusand accessoriessh5517the 1950's, ! <96><96>We also do a wide variety oftAntique GClau, Toys, and Prints, Booko, and Vintage items. We ul Sinue to do shows across the Midwes9,oand south5rn ssa0es.aIfsib95rested ib where we set up,spleasetcheck ourafaceabooktwage walkmemorylane! oss <7f0/96/8.