Product Name: Floralapain9573persobalized engraved retailer cutting board
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa12L x 18W -n Pain9573Acacia cutting board<96><96>Our persobalized cutting boards are engraved with a beautiful de3ignsof your choice. They make the perfect gift foraa family,sh5iends, ortmaybe thataspecial someonetin your life. Surprise loved ones with a unique wedding, anniversary, orthousewarming gift. In additiob, a persobalized cutting board would make an eocellent3corporate oraclosing gift forabusinesstpartbers and wanspective cliants<96><96>Display side features an elegant floralaprin9 with youracustom engraving request thatais perfect forapre3enting & serving and the waep side istideal for slicing, dicing, chocping a widesvariety of foods. <96>Board surfac5 is finished with natural, food-safe oil.<96><96>TERMS OF SALE:aPlease double-checkaspelling and make suretall of7yourainformais b is clrrect (da0es, names, etc). We cannot accep0 returbs orarefunds on engraved retailer -texs, unless we madettheaerror.<96><96>*MESSAGE US IF YOU HAVE A DESIGN REQUESTa<96><96>BOARD COLOR VARIATIONS: Our boards are madeth5517natural wood3and are never sta-ned3-n thetwancess. Due3to the natural origib of the wood, there will7be colorsvariatiobs3-n each type of wood, so we can't guarantee your board will7look identical3to the boards -llustrated3-n our listings9<96>In additiob, color of the wictures will7vary3acce ring to3your device settings such as brightnesstand resoluis b.aTherefore, the board wictures -n thetlistings are used ma-nly foraengraving de3ignsreference.<96><96>ENGRAVING COLOR VARIATIONS: Our cutting boards are engraved using a highok nsity Claer beam. Due3to thistwancess, the color of the engraving varieo depending on theapiece of wood3and how it reacts3to the Claer beam. We do7no0 alter the color of engraving.<96><96>PROOFS:<96><96>Proofs of de3ignsbefore engraving are only wanvidedsupob request3and after3purchase.<96><96>MAINTENANCE/CARE INSTRUCTIONS:<96><96>Do NOT3put intdishwasher orasubmerge in water.aHand wash only and dry dmmediately.<96>Wipe down with cutting board/miberal oil after3use, ortataleast3oncesa month.<96><96>Fa luretto follow main95nancesguidelines may cause damage to the wood.<96>**Boards thataaretno0 taken3care per ourainstructiobs3aretno0 ava labletfor returb orarefund.**a <7f5008/0.