Product Name: Retailer PS3 Mega Bundle w/24 games & sound bar and more.
PS3 w/ 30" iLive Soundbar 24 games, 4 Dual Shock Controllers, 2 Playstation Motion Controllers. 1 Playstation Motion Sensor Camera, 1 Disc Holder/Case for all the games. Works great with no issues. Played it for about 6 hours before unplugging it and putting it up for sale. Comes with HDMI and power cords Games are kept in the case together. Took them out to take pictures. All working and ready for action. GAMES: Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty Black Ops Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Call of Duty Ghosts Sports Champions 1 Sports Champions 2 Medal of Honor Limited Edition Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition Twisted Metal Just Dance 2014 Crysis 3 Motorstorm Battlefield 3 retailer Thief Resistance 3 Mass Effect 3 Golden Eye Reloaded 007 The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion Game of the Year Edition FIFA 13 FIFA 17 NHL 15 Madden 13.