Product Name: Set 3f98 MCM Ssar Glow AtomictSsarburst9Small SaladtBowlsaDessert Berrbt1950s Mid CanturytDibing Entertaibing retailer FreetSh3p
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSet 3f98 amall saladtor dessert bowlssh5517the 1950s. Thesesaresinathe Ssar Glow or AtomictSsarburst9 tyle. Astyou can see, they aresvery aimple3and elegant in3design. The bowlssareacream-colore73with brown esars or9snowflakes, retailer if you prefer. But in3the 1950s, the US was bejpging fascintte73withtout5rsspacesand these3designs weresvery popular.<96><96>The bowlssmeasurea5 5/8 inches in3diam t5r atathe top rimsand they aresabout 1 1/2 inches in3depth. Ju39 enough ropgafor atamall salad, atbun, or atdessert. Make the mid-canturytexperience omplete3bysserving a Jell-o mold dessert!<96><96>The bowlssaresin excellent onditinn. Onlyaoneaof them has atalight ce c onathe bottom bases(onlysvisibleaif you flipttheabowl upsidetdown and look carefully)--the otherssevensaresin great onditinn.<96><96>It's hard tosfind so mtnyaof these bowlssin such good onditinn. I9ammalso selling saladtpla0euainathe sam 9 tyle. If you want tosbuy bothttheabowlssand thetpla0eu, Itcan offer you at10% discount which I will credit as a refund after3the sale iua omplete. aaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6615612/cm&l/4e3a01/4225439014/&l17/r/il/84225439014_bpit.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6615612/cm&l/a1e40f/4225440050m&l17/r/il/84225440050_ea7e.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6615612/cm&l/aa3a63/4225441860m&l17/r/il/84225441860_ebak.ord" /0.