Product Name: Alfred M thin English Blue Tinturn retailer Pitcher
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOfferingsa Alfred M thin "Tinturn" scenic transferswarespitcher. MadetinaEnglandti 7the 1930's. Featuring3bucolic county scenes: country otSages alongsa lake and3atshepherd3watchingshistsheep all i1 a beautiful blue olor. aThere is atSantiob to de a l 319the handle too. It is intgf tt vintage retailer conditiob. Measures: 6"ttall, 5 3 /4" across to t-e3handle and36" intdiameter. Holds around 4 cups3of your favorite7beverage.<96><96>t-detpitcher is perfect3for atpersob with a taste3for beautiful thi gs. It is lovelyeand useful. <96><96>Thank you for your visit.aPlease ul Sactsme with any questions.