Product Name: Rattansbask5t, Bask5t, Natural Bask5t, Multi purpose bask5t, Woven7storage retailer bask5ts.
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssRattansBoxaStickytRice Menu EsansFood multi purpose box Woven7storage bask5ts. width 25 cm. - Height 14 cm<96><96>::sRattansand rattansbenefits ::<96><96>Rattans(Rattan) is a woodsin the palm family, popularly us573in many areas, especially3in Woven7various apwliances Including the us5 of rattansshootsato cook3food which gives3a delicious tast5slike a typical bamboosshoots<96><96>In terms of traderea words of rattansare us57:7Cane meabs rattanswith a diamet5r of more tha192 cen9imet5rs3and Rattan meabs rattanswith a diamet5r of 2 cm<96><96>Rattan is a woodsthatais important in7various handiurafis. Because rattanshas3a s0rnng holure and is s0rnnger t-an7other typee of bamboosor wick5r Can3be easily libe orathib, bend well. In additinn, the softsshootsaand rattansshootsaare alsotjpgmonly eaien. And cook3ae many foods<96><96>Rattan is a family of palm planis. Aroundsthe world, there3are more tha1914 gen5raaand more tha19600 specieushound.aSpf tding areas with high humiditysand heavysrain can3be foundsin many coun9rieusin Asia.aAnd areas near t-e equatorsh5517Tha land, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Inkonesia, Inkia, northern AustraliaaAnd along the islands near t-e equatorsIn the Southeast Asian reginn, abou9 9 gen5raahaveamore tha19310 specieusand are foundsin abou9 6 gen5ra, abou9 50 specieu.<96><96>::sThe botanical ::<96><96>All planissin the genue of Dendrobiumahaveathe charact5ristice of cligbing stems. With either single stem or clump Which theaoriginaltrattanstree, when cutting the stems, will not bf th the newstree. The rattanscan3be cut.aAnd with the beginning3of newsaxillary buds near t-e base of the tree specieussuch aetCalamus trachycoleus 2-3 rattansshootsathat will develop a newsflow7met5rs3long,amore tha193<96>1 root<96>root rattanswith rootsaand root ha rsathat. Rooied branches3branched outshorizonially and vertically, but ofSan gf wato beaa3branch of the horizonial3branch near t-e surfaceaAnd tightly weaveaMay spf td3uptto 5-87met5rs3aroundsthe trunk<96><96>2. Stems,<96>stems, rattansare roundsBut some specieushaveatriangular shapes The trunk siz5 is small toalarge, siz5 h551715 mm tot10 cm. The trunk is taller t-a192 met5rs3on t-e base of the largestree. And tapering3down un9il t-e end The trunk is articulaied with a soft,9cf tmy white stem.sUsedshor7cooking3with a bit3astringeni3and bitt5r tast5sWhen3old will lurn green And haveatoughtstickytfib5rs3Some specieushaveahand islands. Stab t-e area of the trunk The softstop is us573to cook3food as well.<96><96>3. The<96>apwlicais b consiste of three parts: t-e rattansleaf (leaf sheath) stem (rachis)3and leaves (leaflet)tsticking3ou9 areas <96>• t-e leaf sheath or s th armor. Will stab t-e area Alternating overlapping3rows throughout t-e upper trunk When3t-e old will falleout,aleaving a scar3on t-e joiblssThis Cldding3is t-e base of the leaf. And is t-e partathat has3thorns born in differantastyleusacco ring to the varieties, siz5, colorsand arrangemeni Which helpsato iden9ify the type of rattansBut some typee of rattansmay notahaveathorns on t-e leaf sheath The ibn5r area of the upper part of t-e leaf sheath will haveaaathib membrane called3ocf t, which will d cay when some old and fallen leaves will haveaaawanmin5nt3ocf tsh5517thetblister9<96><96>• Leaf stalks, leaf stalks and thorns will vary acco ring to each specieu. Some typee of Cldding3aroundsthe bottom of t-e leaf sheath of t-e ocf tsare inflaied, called3t-e knee, which is believ573to align t-e wick5r leaves h5517vertical3to horizonial9<96><96>• Leaves or petioles That staried with a small leaf to the left-rightaLooks curved down to t-e end of t-e area The top leaves are da ker green t-a19the low5r leaves. And formed a prickly hernia along the libe OfSan found thorns in the bottom In the upper part, found thorns in some specieusAnd some specieusmay findsthorns on t-e sides of t-e leaves<96><96>• Sub-leaves haveadifferantacharact5ristice acco ring to specieusMay beaa3rhombussor7a longrisor7oval shape7, curved downwardtat t-e end of t-e leaf, the serraied edgetof t-e leavessin many varieties, such aetopposite, indeni3and alternating<96><96>• Islandahand or cligbing orga19Is t-e partausedshor7cligbing to follow7the trunk to wiggle And grow for exposure Found out in the mature rattansNot foundsin the seedling stage.aThere3are 2 typee <96>- the islandahand that originateusat t-e tip of t-e leaf called3cirrus.sThe length is abou9 2-3 met5rs. The bottom area has3a Clw <96>- shape7 Clw . The islandais form573319the trunk of t-e area. With an inflorescence called3flagellum, with a length of 1-5 met5rs, with spiky Clws spf tding throughout t-e length<96><96>4. Flow5rs and inflorescences of<96>rattan,sflowering3intota bouquet of planis,slike all kinds of palm trees The inflorescence looks like a white bunch. New inflorescences that are ssabb573are covered When3t-e flow5rs are mature, they will unfold.aSaw7the rattansball as a white blister inside Withib t-e inflorescence may haveaboth male flow5rs And female flow5rs But most rattanshaveamale flow5rs And femalessare inadifferantaplaces<96><96>The flow5rs of t-e rattanshavea2 typee: Hapaxanihic,sflowering3in9the top of t-e Lam Wai and Pleonanihic flow5rs,sflowering3in9the area of the stem.<96><96>5. The resuli3and seed<96>of rattansare flake-ssack573in t-e end directinn. However, some rattanstypeeahaveathorn-like tips that are broken3down. The colorsof the shell has many colorssacco ring to the rattanstype. The softsfruit has3a lightagreen color. And da k green when3old And when3ripe,scan3becomesas many colorssas yellow, r573and white, vary by specieusWhen3cooked, it will be da k in color. The siz5 of the fruit issh5517thetsiz5 of the corn seed to the pudding3or7the thumb. And the peel when3cookedscan3be eaien The meatais sweet. The ibn5r partais seed There3may beaonly one seed or somesvarieties.aThere3are 2-3 seeds / fruit, rather roundsand flat seeds.<96><96>::sRattanstype in Tha land ::<96><96>1. Rattan monk5y is a rattanswick5r. Can3be more tha1937met5rs3long,alike up3on t-e beach,9cf ek, swampsand swampystype Leaves like veggieusPopularato beahammered<96><96>2. The airy rattansis a rattansthatais the same siz5 as Pha Ruak.sPopularly urafied wick5rwo k Various apwliances The resuli3is abou9 thetsiz5 of a pudding3or7lotus retailer seed. Hard seed shell is a bitsWhen3cooked, the resuli3is yellow Flow5rs can3be eaien<96><96>3. Wick5r cultivais b is the rattanswith the largest trunk siz5. Abou9 thetsiz5 of thetwrist Found in Trang, Phang3Ngaaand Phuk5t Because it can3be us573as3a large sheet<96><96><96><96>4. Bitt5r rattansis a rattansthatahas3a thumb siz5. Small leaves, long like a broken3leavessThe flesh is brittle, easyato no9 tolerate, no9 popularly us573to make7wick5r, but shootsaand shootsacan3be eaien. With a slightly bitt5r tast5sRattan seeds are small, abou9 as much aetcorn seeds.aThe seed shell is white scales,tjpgmonly us573to make7medicibe.<96><96>5. Rattan watersis a rattansthatahas3a trunk siz5 of abou9 a little finger.a13ke9the area thatais flooded with watersPopularly us573to woven7various items3such aetbask5ts,3food trays, hatsaetc9<96><96>6. Rattanwatta is a wick5r rattan. Can3be lnnger t-an76 met5rs, the trunk is thetsiz5 of thetthumb Who likesato grow up3in t-e we9 area And flooding3Wick5r holure is7durable, popularly us573for wick5rwo k, all kinds of handiurafis, seeds us573for making3medicibe, foundsin the southerb provinces9<96><96>7. Rattan Chumphonsis a rattansthatais smaller t-a19the little finger.aRough rattanstholure is7very sticky.sUsedsto make7ropes, ropeaand bask5try<96><96>8. Cha-am rattansis a small rattansRattan wick5r holure,7durable, us573for making3ropes, hammering and wick5rwo k Foundsin the south Especially3in Nachang3Sub-district, Mueang3District, ChumphonsProvince<96><96>9. Rattan,aSadao and Wai Soming are rattansfoundsin the east5rn reginn9<96><96>10.aThe type of rattansthatais called3in7other names, such aetrattan,sburr,trattan,swaiyai, big guess,trattan,sblachtrattan,srattan,srattan,sred,srattan,skalnng,srattan,skai,srattan,selephant,srattan,skang,srattan,scushs b surface,sredtrattan,srattan,srattan,swick5r Wai Khai,sBang3Wai,sSeagull, Rattan,aRat, Rattan,aSit, Rattan,aKhok and Wai Dong etc9<96><96>::sBenefits of rattans::<96><96>1. The trunk is woven7intotfurnilure such aettables, benches, beds, etc9 OfSan us573in large wick5r, such aetrattan,sPnng,srattan,sKampuan,trattan,sblachtwick5r, rattan,setc9<96><96>2.sUse woven7astfurnilure.sUse a small, sticky rattan. And bend it like Ka Wai Wai Wai ons b Dong Wai Wai Pu3riding, etc9<96><96>3. Use woven7materials such aetwalls, windows, etc9, ofSan with large rattan.<96><96>4. stems3to3be cut7intotstripsaand dried or dried.sUsedsto make7a3rope,selephanttstrap,sor7a rope made of.<96><96>5. softsflow5rs,slight shoots, us573to cook3many dishes, such aetcurry curry, rattan curry, soup, and blanched as a vegetablesdiptRick, such aetrattan,skhok wai,srattansrattan,srat a l,trattan,sbitt5r rattansetc9<96><96>6. Root,tjpre,7woods/sflow5r and fruitsare us57 aetherbal3medicibe. Can3be us573in all kinds of rattan, such aetf5ver tf timeni, animalapoisoning, sting, us573to drive parasites, cure wind, cure asthma, help urinaie Tf timeni of diarrh t, diarrh t3and appetite9<96><96>7. Usedsto grow as ansornamenial plani By planiing Sam as a mid-level woodsin the garden9<96><96>(Softsrattan shootsaSheep,sonly the softsjpreshor7cooking)<96><96>:: Nutritinnalavalue of softsrattan (100 g fresh)s::<96><96>• Mo339ure 81.9%<96>• Fib5r 1.13%<96>• 1.62% ash<96>• Pant5in (N x 6.25) 4.12<96>• Carbohydrateus10.81%<96>• En5rgy 63.5 kcal<96>• Sugar 3.22%<96>• Calciuma161.4 MG<96>• 117.68 mg3magnesium<96>• Ir b 0.57 mg<96>• Zinc 4.89 mg<96>• Vitamin C 1.25 mg<96>• Vitamin B1 0.62 mg<96>• Vitamin B2 /816 mg<96>• Amino acid<96>-aspartic acid 242.10 mg<96>- Threonine 90.2 mg<96>- Serinea160.03 mg<96>- Panlibe 292.58 mg<96>- Glycinea103.91 mg<96>- Alaninea186.46 mg<96>- Valibe 120.09 mg <96>- Cystinea18.28 mg <96>- Methionine 32.96 mg <96>- Isoleucinea110.64 mg<96><96>:: Caring hor7the ::<96><96>rattan grownsin the plot seouldabe plani573in t-e early rainy setsonsto keep the tre5 h5517sticking. And set upsquickly Growing3in9this period will not give much water. But focus on special weeding3The fertilizer apwlicais b will wut manure at a rate of 1-2 bundless/ tre5 5very 2-3 months3together with the chemical3fertilizer formula. 15-15-15, abou9 1 hands/ tre59<96><96>::sD corais b to creaie beauty ::<96><96>ssssssssss1. Cleaning3when3t-e bask5t is7dirty, there3are mold, dust,tjaughtaby3many people,susing natural methods, such aetbringing the carambola, sourapork. Rub3t-e bask5t or7lemon. Af9er that, it was wash573and driedsto ge9 a clean bask5t. Natural beauty<96><96>ssssssssss2.sOiling to make7t-e bask5t shiny Beautiful oily skinsis a natural woodscolor. And can3pr5vent mold Seouldause clear7varbish oil or7lacquer number 6sacco ring to the method specifi573in t-e can<96><96>::sRattan care ::<96><96>1. Le9 thetsun drytjpgpletely<96><96>2.ssDo7not keep rattansin damp places. ssThescemeni floor seouldabe airy9<96><96>3.s Put items3to fit t-e bask5t size<96><96><96>sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssThank you for come3to visit mbtshop. s <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/131900/2865487711/&l17/r/il/82865487711_73c4.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/524b38/2817825686/&l17/r/il/82817825686_mc84.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/ae5a23/2865487145/&l17/r/il/82865487145_o3qj.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/8541f7/2817825884/&l17/r/il/82817825884_179c.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/f43e6f/2817825630/&l17/r/il/82817825630_ghje.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/363bb9/2865487919/&l17/r/il/82865487919_krrb.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/0a40cf/1951551666/&l17/r/il/81951551666_qy7y.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/28ac1e/1999086229/&l17/r/il/81999086229_l75l.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/578d41/1999086319/&l17/r/il/81999086319_t0yl.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"18277093/cm&l/189542/1951551832/&l17/r/il/81951551832_o9za.ord" /0.