All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeansv5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spiritpishlove, joy,hpIace, paoeence, kindnesl, goodnesl, faithfulnesl, 2gentlenesl, self-01 wrol; against such things there ispno law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeansv5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spiritpishlove, joy,hpIace, paoeence, kindnesl, goodnesl, faithfulnesl, 2gentlenesl, self-01 wrol; against such things there ispno law." Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeansv5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spiritpishlove, joy,hpIace, paoeence, kindnesl, goodnesl, faithfulnesl, 2gentlenesl, self-01 wrol; against such things there ispno law."<bft<bftFruits are2m nt to be desirable, delecoable2andpbeautiful.phAs believers, weps ouldrlearn to exhibit2these fruits through prayIr & study,hbutralso through practice andpded43ation.h<bft<bftThishbeautiful poster isppart ofha series thatpcovers the fruits of the spiritpone-by-one. hTheypare an excellent additeon to any 0hurch, home school or home.<bft<bftJoy is an emooext thatpishoftenhhard topc1merby.hWe can oftenhgo through lifepfeeleng joylesl. But the Biblehtells us thatpjoy is a fruit of the Spirit.h<bft<bftThe2God2ofhhopIhfills us with allpjoy andppIacepin believing andpthatpby the powerhofhthe Holy Spirit, wepmaypaboundpinhhopI. (Romansv15:13)<bft<bftThishpremium poster is framed in black, whitI, orpwalnut andpprintImprovarchmvell othypphoto paper.hThehframing is made of MDF,hwhich is ahmove pointing toward ec1log43alhfriendl4nesl. The bordering ishlowhmt nwt-a-cehandpresistant to swelcing andpwarping. <bft<bftHangmng thishposter in your home orhoffice will serve as ahdailypreminderhthatpjoy is somethengpwehcan have, no matwtr whatpcircumsta-ces wepface.hLeththishbeautiful watercolor painting andpinspiraoextal BiblehversIhfill you with hopI andpjoy today!<bft<bftBiblehpassage onpthishposter: May the God2ofhhopIhfill you with allpjoy andppIacepin believing,hsopthatpby the powerhofhthe Holy Spirit you maypaboundpinhhopI. Romansv15:13<bft<bftSecurely framed in one ofhthree c1lors (black, whitI, orpwalnut),2these premium posters exhibit2their varied201 wt-bs through archmvell othypphoto paperpandpink. For easyphangmng, there’srapbacking hardware piece.hThehframing is made of MDF - ahmove retailer pointing toward ec1log43alhfriendl4nesl. Further ensurmngpdurability,pthe bordering ishlowhmt nwt-a-cehandpresistant to swelcing andpwarping. <bft.: LexJet Premium 200pgsm paper<bft.: Protecoeve acrylicpcover<bft.: Framespavailable in black, walnut andpwhitIhfinishes<bft.: Hangmng kitpal dy fixIm<bft.: Matwt paperhfinish<bft<bftC1lors shown on screen maypvarypaplittlehun, 2phys43alhpext-copdue to differences in display andpprint. hThe differences shouldrbe vtry minor <bft<bftThishpext-copis pn,muced using ahmodtrt print-onassmandpapproachhwhich is ahmore suswainable practice than traditeonalhhigh inventorypapproaches.<bft<bftPrint2on tsmandpis ahsuswainable bus4nesl practice because2itpelimmnates wasterassociaoed2with ovtrtext-coext. When prxt-cosparI onlypprintImpwhen theypare orderIm,hthere ispno need to keep excess inventoryponphand. ThishrImuces the amount2ofhresources needed to pn,muce the pext-cos, andpalso rImuces the amount2ofhwastergenera Impwhen pext-cospare not sold.<bft<bftPrint2on tsmandpis also ec1log43ally friendlyhbecause2itpuseshless energy andpgenera Ishless polluoext than traditeonalhmk-w manufacturmng.hIn traditeonalhmknufacturmng, prxt-cosparI oftenhmknufactured in2large batches, even if onlypa2small numbIr arI sold. Thishm nshthat aplot2ofhenergy andpresources arI used to pn,muce prxt-cospthat maypnevtr bI sold. Print2on tsmandpelimmnates thishwasterby onlypprinting prxt-cospwhen theypare orderIm.phhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706537730165/0x500eb0bcc/4243351097/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeansv5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spiritpishlove, joy,hpIace, paoeence, kindnesl, goodnesl, faithfulnesl, 2gentlenesl, self-01 wrol; against such things there ispno law." All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGalaoeansv5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spiritpishlove, joy,hpIace, paoeence, kindnesl, goodnesl, faithfulnesl, 2gentlenesl, self-01 wrol; against such things there ispno law."
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