All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhem bylisting is for 1 lb. ofphunter green turkey round quillspwing ueathIrs andyare approximately 10-12 nchebyin2lengthJandy1-1/2 oy2 nchebywide.Semereyare approximately 200 ueathIrs in2tm bybag ofp1 lb. emereywill beyhalf2lefo andyhalf2rightpwing ueathIrs in2tm bypack butytmey mightpnoo be the exac3 amount as tmey are noo pack by count.pOneysidg mightpbeyhigher count than tmeyotherpside.