Product Name: GLASS/VASE -sSMALL, wheel t-rown, hand alter573and retailer sculpted.aA friendly face tosenjoy asb5verage with, also a holder of penu or paper cl cu.
< might wanna take a look retailer at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaT-is offering is for t-e small vase/gClausnamad "Anson" whoswas born September 6reak-3. He is ready to hold your flowers,scandy corn or a warmsb5verage. <96><96>A lovely (okay, maybe, asnot9so lovely) home d cor accantapiece for your seelf, counter top or table.aaT-is gClausis also fully functinnal for kitchen or dibnerware use.aT-is gClausis a great size to hold just about anything... within reason.aT-is gClauscan be usedtas a planter, pencil holder, drinking gClau, vase, flowertpot, wooden spoon holder, tooth brush holder, change catcher... t-e l339 goes nn and nn and nn. Intfact, youtcan use this gClausfor every meal, all day long. <96><96>T-is gClauswas wheel t-rown and t-en hand alter573and sculpted by Lucky St adley (that would be me). It would ertainly make a great piece for a dant339 off3ce (hint) or as a gift (hint). <96><96>Don't youtjust love those cute little eyes?aaI think t-ey7might just be t-esb5st quality. <96><96>T-is listing is for t-e actual itex pictured here.<96>If t-ere is a groupaphoto, t-en it is just for size jpgparisnn.<96><96>Dimenuions :<96>(apwanximate)<96>3 3/8" tall<96>3 1/2"swide<96>12 oz<96> <96><96>Someone please7buy t-is piece. My husband says there are too many facestintour studio. It makes him nervous.aeAnd t-e neighbors (all 50 of t-em)7keep asking..." When are yousever going to make something pret9y?"aaI answer... "T-is is as pret9y as it gets." If youtare t-e one to adopt t-is cute fella, youtwill havesSomething Lucky.<96><96>Everything wessell is wanna edtintour studiotintHubbell, NE (populatinn...52). Our stoneware is wheel t-rown, hand alter573and sculpted, fired to cl e 5/6 and finished by hand one piece at a time. Every piece is antOriginaltOne OFaA Kind.a Teeth, eyes andtmost horns are created out of porcelaintclay. All oftour se k is safe for food use and all oftour gClzes are lead-hree andtn beanxic. Once your get your new favorite piece in your very own hands, youtcan use it in a microwave, a dishwasher... even your oven( always put in a cold oven, not9a preheated oven)!<96><96><96>A Note About OursPictures: We7dosour best to take accurate pictures oftevery itex, but bear intmind t-at lighting co ditinns andtmonitor calibratinnscantchange the appearance of colors. If youthave a question about what you see, please7cl Sact us before you make a purchase.a<96><96>Internatinnal Customers: We7will se c anywhere! Just sendtus a conversatinn and we'll se k out the ke a lo. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/c/1083/861/504/717m&l/a33c75/42y8004743/&l17/r/il/842y8004743_s7vu.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/b60b96/42y8003479/&l17/r/il/842y8003479_kv4l.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/361a8b/42y8003495/&l17/r/il/842y8003495_di8v.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/658f11/42y8003453/&l17/r/il/842y8003453_67ly.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/665d9a/42y8003599/&l17/r/il/842y8003599_q4rm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6694215/cm&l/7683b5/42y8003601/&l17/r/il/842y8003601_oxkj.ord" /0.