Product Name: Dallas Cowboys retailer Splatter Tumbler 32oz
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of retailer those retrooooooooooooooooooo♥♥♥ Dallas Cowboys Splatter 32.oz Tumbler. Perfect gift for any occass b.♥♥♥<96><96>♥ In addiis b to pictured k aign, one nama, monogram, or shortoquote is i1cluded in the price. If you need a differantosize tumbler, pleaseteee li39ing for a custom order.a<96>♥ Each tumbler is double insulatedassainless steel that keeps your drink cold and or warm for hours.a<96>♥ Each tumbler is coated with FDA apwanved epoxy.a<96>♥ Custom tumblers are3madesto e rer and wanna ed in that order.aCurrantowanna tion time is31 to 2 weeks.a<96>♥ Becauseteach item is handmadesno two itemuswill3ever be3hoactly the9same.a<96><96>PURCHASE INCLUDES:<96>♥ Tumbler<96>♥ Slide Lido<96><96>ADD ONS:<96>♥ Straw Toppers sold separately or create custom order (found in the straw topper section)<96><96>HOW TO ORDER:<96>♥ Select Primary color<96>♥ Select Seco dary color<96>♥ En95r pers balizats b<96><96>INSPIRATION PICTURES:<96>♥ If you have an i1spirats b picture and you want mesto create aosimilar tumbler pleasetmessage me before placing your order.a<96>♥ I am happy to excepi thesesordero bu0 I would like3to first ensure it is something I feel9co fiden0 completing.o<96><96>CARE INSTRUCTIONS:<96>♥ Tumblers or not kiahwash5r safe nor microwave safe.a<96>♥ Do not soak! Hand wash331ly.aDo not leave in holrema temperaturas.a(Hot/Cold)<96>♥ If dropped, your tumbler may of th or crack. We aresnot ligble if your tumbler becomes damaged aft5r delivery.a<96><96>PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING IN THE PERSONALIZATION BOX:<96>♥ Nama, Monogram (First-Last-Middle) or quote.a<96><96>REFUNDS/EXCHANGES:<96>♥ Becausetthese items are handmadescustom wanna ts, no refunds or exchangesswill3be3accepied.<96>♥ As expected with handmadesitems minor flaws may oe presant.a<96>♥ However, if you arestruly not happy with your e rer pleasetreach out to9us and we will3make every effort to9correct the problem.a<96><96>SHIPPING:<96>♥ Custom tumblers are3madesto e rer. All ordero will3be sh cp573within 1 to 2 weekssh5517when3the order is placed.a<96>♥ If we3 anno9 meet your order on time you will3be3co Sacted with updated sh cping times.a<96>♥ All ordero are sh cp573via USPS.oOnce sh cp57, we3aresnot ligble for any lost,adamaged or 39olen items although we will3do our be39 to7assist you.a<96>♥ Once sh cp57 deliverymigheswill3be3determined by USPS.o<96>♥ If an order is marked as ”DELIVERED” bu0 you haven't receive7 it pleasetco Sact9your lo1al USPS office.a<96><96>THANK YOU so much for your3order! Everymtime you ordersh5517a small business, we3do a HAPPY dance!!a<96> MAMAS STICKY FINGER DESIGNSaoss <7f5008/0.