All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1 skeinpof wonderfully sof hand silkyhhandspun yarn. Spun un, 2a 706binationpof Alpacahand Silk. 354 yards weighing 3.8 ounces.on 2nyhdark jewel tones.h OOAK. Lastpone in stock.