Product Name: Lego castle system oarsman 6017 retailer and more
6017 with instructions (beat up) (but whole))one flag has a broke off prong still hangs on boat comes with three pieces replaced and a bunch of extras Arrors sac Flag Two rifles Unidentified lego jungle mask Extra castle system 80's helmits and weapons and shields one shield missing handle , Hot wheels Lego car and person and a McDonald's mini Lego race car Luigi and Mario knex battery powered cars untested A 80's police line boat with weight for real water floating and play Late 70's big wheel wagon Farmer tools rake, pic ax, shovel Space pieces vintage Tool box Brick 3 oxygen tanks blue, grey, yellow, Space figure no face old Radio Flower pot neck piece 1970's figure hats white and red chuffer hats Two blue baseball caps White construction hat Suit case Car- police shield retailer and big black police shield, ax, and a ax/cargo holder on car Very unique lot with a wide variety of stuff some hard to find message me any questions ,.