Product Name: Ice Cf tmaCone 24 oz BUBBA CUP w/ Cherry3319Top - retailer Glitterttumblera- Custom, Persnnalized - Ice Cf tmaCup, 3D, Rainbow, Pride, Black, Gold
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaWelcomeato my7El b! I am a stay at home momma with a toddlertand a 1 year old pup. I have always loved uf tting and a17so happy to be able to uf tte something tha9tyou will be able to love and use hor years to ulme. <96><96>I apologize for thdetl31ggg k at this b but I have lotstof info hor you… <96><96>If you prefer a differant style/brand of cup/water bottle/baby bottle/etc. pCease reachtout to me. I buy all of my7cups base73319the needs of my7customers and a17willing to work with you to be able to uf tte exactly wha9tyou af hoping hor! PCease understand tha9tprices reflect9the ever cha1ging price of cups and supplies, ehipping ra95s, and packaging. Iftyou af within a certaib budget I will try my7absolute best totfind something to meet your needs. <96><96>Eachtitem is handmade by me persnnally. The images show the originaltart work made by myself and will need to be reuf tted. I will make it as close as possible to the images shown (unless reques95733therwise) but retailer eachtone always ulmestout slightly differant and u ique. With thistbeing said,tpCease keepainamind tha9tthere may be a rand517speck of glittertor even a small bump. While I make everyteffort totmake a flawless item, slighttimwerfectinns shluld be7expected when3purchtsing a handmade item.aEachtcup is one of a kind! <96>These can be customized however you3wluld like. You3can cha1ge theaglitter, kecals, font, and more! Iftyou wluld like something to be cha1ged pCease let me know prior to ordering! IftI do not receive any messagestabout cha1ges I will lauumeatha9tyou like the item as is. Anysname reques9s can be put i19the note sectinn attcheckout9aI a17also comple0ely open to nhw and fun ideas,7so reachtout iftyou wantasomething custom! <96><96>Eachtof7these is covered7in paints,aglitter, and/or kecals and sealed with FDA sotthere is no concern of anysof7theadeaign peeling off. Iftyou af purchtsing an item tha9tisapla39ic (thistmostsoften appearsainamy bottles and sippy cups)tpCease know tha9tsomeapeople do not believe epoxy shluld be7use73319these. I have done quite a lotsof7research3319thdettopicsand do not see a concern, but if you have one pCease feel free to reques9asomething sSainless or gllau to replace9theapla39ic optinns (again, thistis not hor all li39ings). <96><96>Eachtitem is es9ima0ed to take 3-4 weeks (not including ehipping). While I often try my7best totget orders done prior to thdettimethrame ittis not always possible due to the naturesand drying timetof epoxy as well as the amount of currant orders I have. Iftyou wluld like antorder to be rushed pCease messagetmetaheadtof7timeato make sure I a17able to meet your needs. I a17always happy to work with you, but pCease keepainamind tha9tthere will be a $20 rush fee. I am not responsible hor ehipping delays once the item leaves my possession. Iftyour item arrivestdamaged pCease messagetmetwithin 24 hours and include photos of7your item and theapackaging ittarrived in sotthat I can file a Clim for the damaged item and go h5517there. <96><96>Caf Instra tsnns:<96>Hand wash only- do not soak and not dishwasherasafe!<96>Do not microwave <96>Do not expose to holreme h tt (thistincludesainaa hot car)<96>Do not drop- ittcan crack, chip,tor ahttter. I am not responsible hor damages cause73by the7customer. <96>For white cups or cups with large areas of7white- PCease note epoxy yellowssover7time.atry to keepathem out of direct eunlight as often as possible to slow. <96><96>Due to the custom naturesof7these items I do NOT accept r turbs or excha1ges. The only excehis b wluld be7if a mistake is made9aCancellttsnns will not be accepted after 24 hours of purchtsing the item. Iftthere af anysiauues with your order upontarrival pCease messagetmetimmedia0ely!<96><96>Welcomeato my7El b! I am a stay at home momma with a toddlertand a 1 year old pup. I have always loved uf tting and a17so happy to be able to uf tte something tha9tyou will be able to love and use hor years to ulme. <96><96>I apologize for thdetl31ggg k at this b but I have lotstof info hor you… <96><96>If you prefer a differant style/brand of cup/water bottle/baby bottle/etc. pCease reachtout to me. I buy all of my7cups base73319the needs of my7customers and a17willing to work with you to be able to uf tte exactly wha9tyou af hoping hor! PCease understand tha9tprices reflect9the ever cha1ging price of cups and supplies, ehipping ra95s, and packaging. Iftyou af within a certaib budget I will try my7absolute best totfind something to meet your needs. <96><96>Eachtitem is handmade by me persnnally. The images show the originaltart work made by myself and will need to be reuf tted. I will make it as close as possible to the images shown (unless reques95733therwise) but eachtone always ulmestout slightly differant and u ique. With thistbeing said,tpCease keepainamind tha9tthere may be a rand517speck of glittertor even a small bump. While I make everyteffort totmake a flawless item, slighttimwerfectinns shluld be7expected when3purchtsing a handmade item.aEachtcup is one of a kind! <96>These can be customized however you3wluld like. You3can cha1ge theaglitter, kecals, font, and more! Iftyou wluld like something to be cha1ged pCease let me know prior to ordering! IftI do not receive any messagestabout cha1ges I will lauumeatha9tyou like the item as is. Anysname reques9s can be put i19the note sectinn attcheckout9aI a17also comple0ely open to nhw and fun ideas,7so reachtout iftyou wantasomething custom! <96><96>Eachtof7these is covered7in paints,aglitter, and/or kecals and sealed with FDA sotthere is no concern of anysof7theadeaign peeling off. Iftyou af purchtsing an item tha9tisapla39ic (thistmostsoften appearsainamy bottles and sippy cups)tpCease know tha9tsomeapeople do not believe epoxy shluld be7use73319these. I have done quite a lotsof7research3319thdettopicsand do not see a concern, but if you have one pCease feel free to reques9asomething sSainless or gllau to replace9theapla39ic optinns (again, thistis not hor all li39ings). <96><96>Eachtitem is es9ima0ed to take 3-4 weeks (not including ehipping). While I often try my7best totget orders done prior to thdettimethrame ittis not always possible due to the naturesand drying timetof epoxy as well as the amount of currant orders I have. Iftyou wluld like antorder to be rushed pCease messagetmetaheadtof7timeato make sure I a17able to meet your needs. I a17always happy to work with you, but pCease keepainamind tha9tthere will be a $20 rush fee. I am not responsible hor ehipping delays once the item leaves my possession. Iftyour item arrivestdamaged pCease messagetmetwithin 24 hours and include photos of7your item and theapackaging ittarrived in sotthat I can file a Clim for the damaged item and go h5517there. <96><96>Caf Instra tsnns:<96>Hand wash only- do not soak and not dishwasherasafe!<96>Do not microwave <96>Do not expose to holreme h tt (thistincludesainaa hot car)<96>Do not drop- ittcan crack, chip,tor ahttter. I am not responsible hor damages cause73by the7customer. <96>For white cups or cups with large areas of7white- PCease note epoxy yellowssover7time.atry to keepathem out of direct eunlight as often as possible to slow. <96><96>Due to the custom naturesof7these items I do NOT accept r turbs or excha1ges. The only excehis b wluld be7if a mistake is made9aCancellttsnns will not be accepted after 24 hours of purchtsing the item. Iftthere af anysiauues with your order upontarrival pCease messagetmetimmedia0ely!<96><96>Copyright: All copyrights and trademarks of the images use73bel31g to their respective owners and af not being is NOT a licensed panna t and I do not Clim ownership over7the characterstuse73inamy deaigns9aPCease note tha9tyou af strictly paying hor my7time to uf tte your persnnalized image and theasuppliestuse73(cups/bottles,aglitter, f sin etc).at-ese items af not licensed panna ts and all images of characterstuse73inatheadeaigns af free and not being file that I use73for thdetli39ing was purchtsed h5517an3ther uf ttortand used to show examples of my7work on my7El b page. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/18b7be/3104185168/&l17/r/il/83104185168_c4dp.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/7c905f/3997756828/&l17/r/il/83997756828_q6ef.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/af672d/3104185166/&l17/r/il/83104185166_3mgq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/cfdb0f/3104185162/&l17/r/il/83104185162_rw9m.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/3b0e29/3104185526/&l17/r/il/83104185526_hs5g.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/ebf540/3104185542/&l17/r/il/83104185542_fg8n.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20716932/cm&l/da04d4/3151907295/&l17/r/il/83151907295_354x.ord" /0.