The Healing Touch of Jesus is a promise of wholeness. Ascended Master Jesus affects us by his touch. Through this system he gives us the gift of His healig touch so that we too can be healed by his presence and receive wholeness.
The Cleansing Touch Activation will clear our physical, spiritual and mental bodies, removing and cleansing any disempowering beliefs, shock, trauma, negative forces, toxins, disease, negative energy, other-dimensional intrusions, entities, evil or possessing spirits and any other less than love energies within our bodies.
The Quieting Touch Activation brings us peace. The energy will cleanse and still our minds and hearts so that we can relax and also experience relief from any sleeping disorder or issue.
The Illuminating Touch helps those whose faith is weak. This activation is like an explosion of light, providing a succession of experiences retailer and touches in our lives so that we suddenly realize that we are basking in the divine and holy presence of Jesus.
The Reassuring Touch brings us calmness and peace no matter what storms are raging in our lives. The energy brings true peace and serenity and wraps us in love so that we experience reassurance in our hearts, minds and spirits keeping us safe and secure with his love, light, protection and shield upon us.
The Liberating Touch Activation is the energy of miraculous healing as well as the confidence and knowledge that we are precious in the eyes of the Divine, allowing us to receive greater wisdom and to speak about and act in faith of with the wisdom we receive from Above.
The Healing Touch Activation activates and taps into the energy of Ascended Master Jesus' healing power, touching every part of our lives. This activation we can experience release from physical suffering, bringing healing and restoration of the spiritual bond between the Divine and us, so that we are made whole again.
You can use the activations repeatedly because they will mean different thins to us at different times in our lives. When and where the need is great, the energy of Ascended Master Jesus is there to touch us.
Product code: Healing Touch Of Jesus retailer Activation Program