Product Name: Lots of 10 old retailer tshirst
Who it works is i just put these together without going threw them so u might just pick up a stright banger you never know all these lots of 10 shirst are all older tshirts some ove them are even single stiched AGAIN I DIDNT LOOK THREW THEM MY MAID FOLDED THEM ALL UP SO I JUST DECIDED TO DO LOTS OF 10 SHIRST FOR 100 BUCK DEFINITELY A STEAL ONLY 80 SHIRST AT THIS DEAL AND THERE ARE 8 STACKS OF 10 RANDOMLY PUT TOGETHER... talk to retailer me nice DONT TALK TO ME TWICE I didnt check the sizing either so you might get all from s-2xl or all one size i have no clue its completly random and a steal if you ask me.