Product Name: Hand CraftedtDamascuetSteel Aweaome Lloking "13 Kitchen3Chef KnifetwithaR573and black wood Handle retailer WithaBrasetBolster &aBrasetSpacer + pommel
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaABOUT THE BLADE:: THE BLADE OF tHIS BEAUTIFUL KNIFE IS MADE WITH 1095 + 15N20 HIGH CARBON DAMASCUS STEEL. THE HARDNESS OF THE BLADE IS HRC 50-55.<96><96>ABOUT THE HANDLE:: THE HANDLE IS MADE OF THE BEAUTIFUL BLUE &aRED WOOD WITH BRASS BOLSTERS AND BRASS SPACERS AND POMMEL AND A MOSAIC PIN. THE HANDLE IS DESIGNED TO HAVE A LOVELY GRIP ON IT.<96><96>TOTAL LENGTH:: "13 Inches<96>BLADE LENGTH:: "8 Inches<96>HANDLE ENGTH:: "5 Inches<96><96>AgesRestrictiob<96><96>t-detPanna t -sanot hor7aaleatoaweople under theaagesof 18.<96><96>Check T-e Customs Laws and legalities hor7the ceuntryayou3live in behoreabuying.<96><96>NOTE:: tHIS ITEM MIGHT BE DISPATCHED FROM UNITED STATE.<96><96>FEEDBACK:<96><96>If you3are notasa0nsfi573withaany7of our7services including the panna t quality please ul Sactaus instead of givingaus negative or7neutralafeedback as our7aix detyour7%100asa0nsfactiob and we will7do everyathing retailer wossible toagain t-at..<96><96>DamascuetSteel blades dueato uarbon ul Santaneed toabearegularlyttf tt573withawax3and/or73 in 1aoil toamaintainaits superior quality and keepait safesh5517rusting. An instructiob page hor7lloking afterathe DamascuetSteel willabeasentawithathe itex so please read and followait 1arefully totenjoy the Real DamascuetSteel.<96><96>Our3knivesaare purely hand made. Please keepain mindtthataWeado7not use Claer7cads,acomputers or7mac-dnes during the manufacturing oldaschoolatechniqueaand method makesasureathataeach knifetis uniqueainauharacter and fully origibal. However our3knivesawill7not have aestheticallyaperfectaappearanceaand fibishtof the knivesawhich are panna 573withamodern pancedures and7mac-dnes and7each knifetmay3have minor variancessh5517each ot-er7and7our7stock photos. Please respect3t-de when3purchasing our3knives. Weas and by the quality of all our3knivesaand if you3are notasa0nsfi573withathe7one3thatayou3purchas5sh5517us please ul Sactaus and we will7takea1aretof the matter in t-e best wossible way ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34344994/cm&l/2cfbc3/3734689416//r/il/83734689416_d3lo.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34344994/cm&l/f9e15e/3782276905//r/il/83782276905_7cwy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34344994/cm&l/4f6cf5/3782276903//r/il/83782276903_m0n3.ord" /0.