In Loving Memory of Mother gifts | Personalized Memorial Gifts for loss of Mother | Sympathy Gifts | Memorial | Photo retailer Albums | Miss You Mom
Leather photo album measures 925x 825"
Includes 30 sheets for (120) 4x6 photos
Easily add more.
Leather photo album measures 9.25x 8.25"
Includes 30 sheets for (120) 4x6 photos.
Easily add more pages with the ring bound design
Moms are never truly gone from your life. They stick around my means of their lifelong guidance, treasured recipes, words of wisdom, and â€Ã¢€Å“ of course â€Ã¢€Å“ plenty of photos. Keep momâ€Ã¢â€žÂ¢s memory alive with the help of this â€Ã…“Miss You, Momâ€Ã‚ personalized album, which reminds us that goodbyes are not forever. Ring-bound retailer and featuring an attractive ivory leather cover with center cut-out, it holds plenty of photos from years gone by and makes a beautiful coffee table book or private keepsake.