Product Name: Wood Charcutarie Handcrafted Re3in RichaPaints Metallic Gold7Blue whi0e Platter Food Safe retailer Gift
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaWelcome to mytBoutique <96><96>I have been3cf ttingafabric horayears and now I amatrying out3newamedia to whichaI canacf ttea b. <96><96>The aize ofathe board is 6 1/2 -nches wide bya19 -nches long. <96><96>My Charcutarie Boards, are handcrafted by mbself.aAll of7my -texs are tf tted withaepoxytre3in whichais food safe. They7areaOne7ofaKindsPieceaofaart.aAll panna tsaareaone7ofakind pieces3ofaart whichaweuld7llok3gf tt inaany7area of your7home. They7cab also be dispClyed as7art using easel ortplatetholder. They7makeaaawond5rfultunique gift. <96><96>CleabingaInstructiobs: Wipe off Food Particles. Wash quickly with warm soapy7wa er. Dry immedia95ly. Doano0tput in theadishwashar or submerge in wa er.<96><96>t-ank you horasupporting mbtsmalltbusineus.<96>(C) Copyrigh9eak-3 by7JacQuetTextileaDesigns LtdaAll Righ9usReserved. No Part7ofaany ofathese designs may be repanna 57.<96><96>If you have any que39iobs about3myafabrics, please email me,aand thank you horalloking. Each Pieceais7l3ke3paintingsttotdecorate your7table,7patio retailer or bar! Please remembera-acolors vary sligh9ly between3computaraat eens. ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5201896/cm&l/d345de/3919782218//r/il/83919782218_g21h.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5201896/cm&l/13e402/3967288245//r/il/83967288245_htvm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5201896/cm&l/f1b087/3967288257//r/il/83967288257_1kz8.ord" /0.