Product Name: (BUNDLE) PSP W/1 Game & Accessories!! retailer
(BUNDLE) PSP W/1 Game & Accessories!! CONDITION—(GOOD) PSP is Physically in Good condition. *FACTORY RESET* The bar code on the bottom is rubbed off so I cannot say For-sure what model this is, believe it is after 1st generation model. I ordered a 1st generation battery online for it & the battery I retailer ordered fits snug, does the job however is not a “Slim” battery so the battery cover will not go over this unit. The battery stays in place no problem during game play & general handling. I do NOT have a memory stick for this unit so I suggest you buy one separately so you can save your Hard earned progress. Top right front screen small white spot on screen only noticeable while unit is off. Not during gameplay. 5 in 1 Charger has a PSP port on it. ANY QUESTIONS ASK? ANY OFFERS SEND! GO CHECK OUT MY OTHER VIDEO GAME BUNDLES! GO FOLLOW MY PAGE! NICKSFLIPZ! THANK YOU! SHELF A-1.