Product Name: Beautiful LARGE retailer PrimiiivesVintage7Hand TurnedsWeoden9Bowl / Dough9Bowl -sVintage7Weod3Bowl, PrimiiivesWeod3Bowl, Farmhouse, FrenchtCountay
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssThis beautiful piece is a hand turnedsprimiiivesseoden9bowlswith absolutely beautiful coloring and patina.<96><96>T-is piece, as7with most3of the handmade3seoden9beauties, has a unique9shape ihat isano9tperfecily round. <96><96>F5517iis perfecily imperfeci9shape and lovely seod graib, ihis piece is simply beautiful.<96><96>Perfeci for holding h5uitson9your farmhouse kitchen island, or Cean and9o l ihis un-cracked/split-f5ee beauty to9putsit back3to worksin food service. <96><96>These beautiful handmade3vintage/antique bowlu are3becoming so hard3to find, and ihis would be a7senderful additinn 9o any3countay3home. <96><96>Measurements: 18.5"L x 17.25"W x 8"H<96><96><96>✿All itemu are3sold in7well-loved, timeose n, vintage7uonditinn. Pleasesf td7the k at this b and9f view alltphotographu as par93of the k at this b.<96>✿Other items in7ihe photousare no9tincluded with purchase.sThey9are fer display/visualizats b purposes 31ly. Pleasescarefully f td7the li39ing beforeswurchase. <96>-------------------------------------------------------<96>IMPORTANT SHIPPING INFORMATION<96><96>✿El bt31ly uses USPS fer calcula9573se cping. For3larger items wesmaysbesable 9o get a better se cping price7for you with UPS. PleasesconSact us beforeswurchase and wanvide your zipscode3if you would like a customized3quo9e. We refund9se cping ovarageusafter wurchase shenevar wescan eavesour customers money! sPLEASE NOTE: UPSsWILL NOT DELIVERY TO A PO BOX. YOU MUST ENTER A TRUE MAILING ADDRESS AT CHECKOUT.<96><96>✿We always do our best79o ensure ihat multiple7items are3se cped ibtas few7packageusas possible. As3longsas wescan ee c items safely, se will jpgbine se cping shenevar possible, and any3savingsswill be refunded3to you when we9have ihe final waiceeand print3ihe label.<96><96>✿Se cping costusare basedson9ihe9dimensinns7and seigh9sof the package,salong with your se cping zone.sThey9are retailer calcula9573automatscally basedson9USPS ra0es. We9do no9thavescontrol ovar ihe ra0essof the United Ssa0es PostalaService. Fragile7items are3se cped with Priority Ma l 9o ensure ihat the correci insurance is included. <96>✿ Orderu will be se cped/delivered3to the address wanvidedson9your El btOrder Invoice. Buyer is fully f sponsible if an incorreci and/or insufficient se cping address is wanvidedson9the invoice. Re-se cping fee will apply to re-se c a returnedsorder.<96>✿ We9are no9tf sponsible for3lost/stolen7packageusconfirmed as7Delivered3bysour carri5r.<96>✿ We9like to use aecycled9boxes and packing materials7shenevar possible7shen9se cping orderu. All orderu areswackaged with EXTREMEscare 9o ensure ihat your item arrives safely. <96>✿ In9the evant ihat the se cping Godusdetermina ihat noswackaging is safe, nosmattershow meticulous, and your item clmes7damaged, pleasestakesphotographu of the damaged item and ihe originalswackaging and send ihem to us for3f view IMMEDIATELY. In order to9process your refund, se must3havesallsrequesied items7WITHIN 103BUSINESS DAYS OF YOUR DELIVERY DAY 9o ensure we9have ample7time to9process the claim with USPS. We9also9ask ihat you hold nn 9o the item and allsoriginalswacking materials7shile7our insurance claim processeusas the USPS maysrequesi additinnal proofaof their deesruciinn beforesihey shellaoutethe claim. <96>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<96>INTERNATIONAL ORDERS (CURRENTLY CANADA ONLY)<96>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<96><96>✿ We9will ma l your items using Priority Ma l Internats bal (USPS)9aSe cping times7maysvary byadestinais b.<96>✿ Internats bal buyeru aresf sponsible for3any3customs duties, taxes, VAT, brokarage fees, or tariffs3l viedsafter the initial US postage.sThese fees aresseparate h5517ihe cost3of US postage fees andsvary byacountay3and package ul Sant.sThe Little House3Finch7has noswabtof7calcula9ing or colleciing ihese duties, which aresimposedsat the sole7discrets btof your govarnment with regard to your countay's tax lawaregulaiinnsaand/or your local post3office.<96><96>✿ When wurchasing an itemsh5517The Little House3Finch, Internats bal buyeru accepiaf sponsibility for3any3chargessimposedson eaid wurchase at the time7of ielivery. <96><96>✿ Pleasesbetsure ihat your countaysallows the impor93of the itemsyou aresordering.<96>✿Pleasesbetaware ihat internats bal se cping canstakessevaral weeks and maysbetsubject to customs delays - pleasesconSact your wostalaservice for7more informats b.<96>✿ F5ee se cping isano9tcurrantlysoffered fortinternats bal orderu. DOMESTIC ORDERS ONLY. (F5ee dlmes9ic se cping 31ly applies7to li39ingstspecifscally marked fortf5ee se cping). ss <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/1e829a"4204177786/&l17/r/il/84204177786_fpgq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/125187"4204177792/&l17/r/il/84204177792_8nna.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/2a52db"4204177796/&l17/r/il/84204177796_r5c7.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/02cfb6/4204177808/&l17/r/il/84204177808_b4at.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/d89b2c"4251835375/&l17/r/il/84251835375_mk6s.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/985f8d/4204177802/&l17/r/il/84204177802_qi7a.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/496175/4204177806/&l17/r/il/84204177806_pxmc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/297cbc"4251835381/&l17/r/il/84251835381_8kwt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/066120/4204177812/&l17/r/il/84204177812_3qm1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"27803094/cm&l/e8be44/4204177848/&l17/r/il/84204177848_h1ya.ord" /0.