All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*** Please read t-bire ie. Sss="wt-text, includ4ng instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI, and c1 tact usSwith any questexts before order4ng. Thank you!h*** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*** Please read t-bire ie. Sss="wt-text, includ4ng instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI, and c1 tact usSwith any questexts before order4ng. Thank you!h*** Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*** Please read t-bire ie. Sss="wt-text, includ4ng instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI, and c1 tact usSwith any questexts before order4ng. Thank you!h***<bft<bftThis magnifictnt Fleur Dehome key chain is theSperfect favor for a stylmeh occasixt. Mix andSmatch withhour bottle openers it theSsame Fleur Dehome design toScreate a lavmeh, impos4nghlook onJyour event tables.<bft<bftThe charm is madeJofppolyresinSwith a Fleur Dehome design and a shinySgoldhfinmeh.SIt ishaccented withhapclear shimmer4nghrh4nestonI it theSmiddle.<bft<bftThe charm is attached to a sturdy goldhshinySmetal chain and r4ng.<bft<bftBeautifullySpresented inpa dark grey bottom boxpwithha goldhdiamond design. The box has apclear sisplay top andhis wrapped withhapwhite organza ribbrovand bow. Attached to the bow is a round match4ngh'ForSYou' tag.<bft<bftSize 3 1/2" withhchain<bft<bftCharm size 1 1/2" x 1 1/4"<bft<bftMadeJofppolyresinSwith a shinySgoldhfinmeh<bft<bftThis ie. Sincludes persxtalizImptags or s343kers - please seI belowpfor instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI.<bft<bftLot retailer ofp24Swith persxtalizImptags or s343kers - all must be idt-bical<bft<bftRound tags areS1.75" wide,pdiamond tags areS1.75" xS1.75". <bft<bftTags / S343kers come un/3tached fn, 2the favors<bft<bftSome easy customer assembly required (affixinghtags/labels to favors )<bft<bft<bftHow to DesignJyour PersxtalizImpLabels:<bft<bft1. Go to thisSlink: <bft<bft0004r/iwww/fashioncraft27065Designer/index.php?sbandard&labelType=8775<bftto open a new windowSwith all ofSyourSdesignSchoices.<bft<bft<bft2. As you makehyour choices,Stheypwill bersaved inpthe My Choices tab inpthe designSstudio (seI sampl. screenshoos inpphotos above)<bft<bft<bft3.hhWhenJyou are donI,vsimply click onpthe My Choices button inpthe designSstudio and c1py/pastI thepinform/3ionJinpthat box into an2Eaac message topus.hSIt's that si6ple!!<bft<bftNOTE:hSThe default op3ionJis to have tagsSprinted.hSUnless you specifySit your message topus that you'dJlikeSs343kers, you will bersent tags.<bft<bft<bft<bftReturns ar. not accep Improvthis ie. S </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655329926/0x500419331/1686760649/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*** Please read t-bire ie. Sss="wt-text, includ4ng instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI, and c1 tact usSwith any questexts before order4ng. Thank you!h*** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*** Please read t-bire ie. Sss="wt-text, includ4ng instruc3ions onvhow to persxtalizI, and c1 tact usSwith any questexts before order4ng. Thank you!h***
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