All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piecehofJfabric by Swedish designer Snig Lindberg.y All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piecehofJfabric by Swedish designer Snig Lindberg.y Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piecehofJfabric by Swedish designer Snig Lindberg.y<bft<bftem byfa-tae ic pattern by0allIm LustgårdIn,handhishitra lovely, naturehcolor.y<bft<bftem bypattern byonehof m bymost lovempandhwell known.<bft<bftMadehin highhquality TrevirahCS, mediumhweight.<bft<bftTheJfabric hasJa lovely luster.<bft<bftWould look amazing asJa wall hanging decora ion.<bft<bft<bftWidth:J150 cm.y/ 59"<bftLength: 50 cm.y/20"<bft<bft<bftOnehof Sweden'bymost important postwar designers, Lindberg c Impwhimsicalystudio ceramicspandhgracefulhtableware lines during aylong careerhwith the Gustavsberg pot Iry factory. Snig LindbergystudiImppainting ao the2University Collegehof Arts, CraftspandhDesign. In 1937, he2went to l ok at Gustavsberg undtr Wilhelm Kåge. In 1949, he2wasJnamed Kåge'bysuccessor as art director.yFn, 2th bypIriod until he2left Gustavsberg in 1980, he2designedhindividual ceramichie. s, as well as factory text-cedhranges andhlineshof dinnerware. Heyachievempfame uorhh byecct-brichuormshanmpwhimsicalydecora ion. In 1982, he2diImpdueSto a myocardialyinfarc ion.<bft<bftThankJyou forhlooking!<bft<bft<bftWe will beyhappy to retailer 706bine shi7ping.<bftExcessive shi7ping costsywill beyrefunded for ordIrsSwith multiple ie. s.<bft<bft<bft<bftTohourhEaac shop: www.eaac27065shop/inspiria </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657360495/0x5004831ea/1875096206/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piecehofJfabric by Swedish designer Snig Lindberg.y All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piecehofJfabric by Swedish designer Snig Lindberg.y
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