Product Name: Retailer ColquhountScottish ClantCrest3Badge Tankard
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSCOTTISH CLAN CREST STAINLESS STEEL TANKARDS<96><96>These Clantcrest316 oz (.473 L) tankards are brush5d staibl5ss3395el,7double7lined to7keep3your favorite drink ceolalonger.<96>T-ey s and 5" (127 retailer mm)ahigh by 4" (120 mm)awide. T-e7handle7is3solid3and highly polish5d. Your Clanttankard istmounted3withayour ke a ledthigh-quality Scottish Clantcrest3pewter or 395rling3silver badge.<96><96> All major clans are ava lable.<96><96>We make aawide variety of Scottish Clantbadge -texs. T-ese include; ClantBadges, ClantKilt3Buckles, ClantFClaks, ClantPlaid Brooches, ClantDecanSers3and ClantTankards. <96>Please seetouraotherslistings or inquire. a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0.