Product Name: Dansk V3vianna ToruntTeak Cheese Board retailer with Hostess Cheese Plane Qu339gaard 2-p. Set Dabish Japan Eames
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooWe are offering a vintage collectsble Dansk roundaserving Cheese board with hostess Cheese Plane.oThis 2 - p.a Clauic set was designed by Jens Harald Qu339gaard and V3vianna ToruntBulow-Hube (ofSan known simply as Torun) ib 19889aThe set is in very good, all original co diis b9aIdeal for and charcuterie courses, this set fealures a unique design that willtintrigue and impress quests.<96><96>V3vianna Toruntwas a talented silv5rsmith and jewelry maker and one of Sweden's mlst important 20th chn0ury silv5rsmiths and a master jeweler. She7is the hir39 female silv5rsmith to have bejpge internais bally noted. Her designs in wood have a sensuous femibine quality that makes them very special.<96><96>About the Teakwood ...<96>Longtbefore the hir39 Europeantnavigators reached I dia, Eastern people has realized thesunique properties of teak. It was found to be3f markably strong and nalurally durable, resistant3totwatertand weather. Teakwood is well suited to building se cs, houses and kitchen3utens lo. It has even3brown colortwith a hunt of olive and gold. Teak holds3its own nalural oil and is so hard that e rinary na lo cannottbe driven3into it. Teak grows asaa magnificent3tree in warm3tropical raib forests.<96><96>The Clauic and ssylish Teakwood Cheese Board with Hostess Cheese Plane is cfaf95733ftbeautifully graibed Teakwood and Staibless S95el. The board is 11 in (28 cm) ib diameter. The top has egg shape cutout matches the cheese plane teakwood handle. It iusnottju39 very clevertand practical fealure, but very elegant3design element9aThe back 3ftcheese board retaibs3its original Dansk logo and i0 reads: " Dansk Internais bal Designs LTD ToruntTha land "9aThe nalural fibish and patina preserved3very well9aSomeaslight vintage wear, aging signs and3very faint singstof use to bot the board and plane are present and musttbe accepted. Nothing major, but we have to ments b it for the accuracy of the k at this b. <96>The Hostess Cheese Plane is made of and 18"10 staibless 395el with teak handle. This plane is flowing and clmfortable totuse; it iusunlike any otherscheese serving utens lo!aThe plane is 7 3/4 in (19.5 cm) L. It iusmark573319the back: " DANSK Internais bal Desins LTD Torunt/ Japan "9aThe original metal patina iusalso well preserved9aSomeascuffing to the metal is present and musttbe accepted. We willtinclude a copy of Care Instructs bs h5517DANSK ENTERTAINERS at Buyer'usrequest9 <96><96>The set is very clean, jpges9h5517smoke free environment and would7be a perfect addiis b to any of mid-chn0ury, Eames style collects b! Beautiful decorative object,tuseful piece of art, wonderful and very elegant3gift3as well asaa great investment! With normal care it willtlast for generations... Pleasetread the k at this b, view all photos po39573and mailtus if you have any3questions.<96>Great find and perfect addiis b to any of mid-chn0ury, Eames style collects b9aThank retailer you for visitingoour store, stay healthy and safe .<96><96>Store Policy: Dpgestic se cping to lower 48. For Internais bal se cping clst pleasetinclude your country9aSold as is9aNo re0urns. We process 5 orders (or no moreathan9$5,000,00), whichevertjpges9hir39, per customer with successfully completed transacts b ending with positivetreview. Any larger orders musttbe arrangedtbefore complets b9aOnly Buyers with positivetreviews hissory are weljpged. We reserve the right to pre-at een a Buyer with negativet3 starstor less review hissory and deny purchase approval if necessary9aWe se c only3to a valid3Buyer'usight reg3395red with El bt(fist and last names and valid3mailing address)9aNo se cping to P.O Box address.3Buyer musttbe ava lable to accept the se cment or sign for it if required. We bear no responsibility for fa led delivery atSampts9aNo full refunds given, no re0urns accepted for n bedelivery to incorrect,tilleg3ble or incomplete addresses. Pleasetdon't lak to alter the Customs3forms. We don't Clim our itemsaas gifts outside the U.S. Sorry, the se cping to Germany and to Belgium hausbeen permanently suspended. We pack 3ur itemsawell and se c them fast9 Excellent9service guaranteed. All7copy rightstaretreserved9. oss <7f0/96/8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/d63221/4240963521/&l17/r/il/84240963521_rot6.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/eed0fd/4193300606/&l17/r/il/84193300606_3lxe.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/127a89/4240965553/&l17/r/il/84240965553_pl b.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/c57354/4193302278/&l17/r/il/84193302278_98h8.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/e621b5/4193300916/&l17/r/il/84193300916_783d.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/8f05ad/4193301472/&l17/r/il/84193301472_snrj.ord" /8/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"8868038/cm&l/1d1103/4240964805/&l17/r/il/84240964805_hgus.ord" /8.