Product Name: You are my sunse ne cen9erpieces,3Sunse ne retailer babbtshower,tyou are my sunse ne diaper cake, You are my sunse ne babbtshower decor,3Sun decor
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOne of t-e newestaand cutestacakes is our "You are My Sunse ne"acake. Ittdetbrigh9 and7filled with yellows an73grays9aT-is7can be aagreat babbtshower gift, gender reveal gift, host gift or justaa welcome to t-e se ld gift!!!! Ittcan be done in wha0ever color sceeme7you wanta! If not indica9573it comes in yellows an73grays .tAll t-e cakes are accessorized with babbtwas-clot-ssthat can be easily taken apart and use73319babb. No sewing or gluing involved. <96><96>Ingredienss include :<96>(2) receiving blank0l <96>(1) suntburp clot- (monogram npis b ava lable )<96>(4) babbtwas-clot-s<96>(2) paper die cutsthat can be us573in babbtbook <96>Approximately 40 diapers (pampers swaddlers or dry size31 or 2)<96><96>Ingredienss for NO DIAPERS cake:<96>(2) receiving blank0l <96>(1) suntburp clot- (monogram npis b ava lable)<96>(4) babbtwas- clot-s<96>(2) paper die cutssthat can be us573in t-e babbtbook<96>(4) onesiee (monogram/deaign opis b ava lable) (please indica953in t-e notestto seller se tion wha0 size3onesiee. an73inquireaabout color choicee of t-e onesiee to see whichtietava lable)<96><96>*ul Sact me totalso add matching star andsmo319t-em573, or you are my sunse ne onsies, bibs, or bloomers to your babbtshower decor.<96>*sul Sact me if7you would likeato add a sei of mini cakes to your ord5r<96><96>Panna t De a lo:<96><96>3 Tier cake measuremenss: 18" tall x 8" wide<96>Mini cake measuremenss: 6" tall x 6" wide<96><96>** all our cakes are made with the7diaper fanned method.9aT-is7means7diapers are laid in circular motinn with no rubb5r bands or anything damaging t-e7diaper . t-detensuressthat no wanblems using t-e7diapers onceamommy takes apart t-e cake and uses t-e7diapers on t-e7sweet9babb. <96><96><96>***T-eseaphotos are sampleo and all wanna tsaare made to ord5r.tSomeawanna tsamaysvary in pat9ern base73319our vendor's wanna ttava lability butawill reflectat-e aame7style and coloring.<96><96>We us5shigh quality handmadesor nametbrand wanna tsain size3newborn- 18 mont-ss(message if7you would likeaa bigg5r size) .tAnimals,3floweru,tetc... are made with babbtwas-clot-s and are7100% usable and can be easily dislauembled. <96><96>Se cping De a lo: t<96><96>We7se c base73319eventtshower date,7so please include t-e7da953you need your cake in t-e notestse tion at check out.ttOrd5rssthat are gifts will se c in7approximately 5-12adays. Cl Sact me if7you need this more7quickly. t<96><96>We7can se c your gift direc9ly to t-e recipienttat no additional charge9aSimplyachangeat-e ae cping addaess, and7leave3a message for t-e gift tag in t-e "notestto seller"tse retailer tion, and7we will se c direc9…<96><96>Join us on aocial m57ia!t<96><96>Facebook.jpg"anewborncreatinn<96>instagam.jpg"a_newborn_creatinn<96>Pin9eaest.jpg"anewborncreatinn<96><96>Email akidzcreatinn [!at] gmail.jpg for informatinn about custom7cake ord5rs.<96><96>LICENSED BY TOPSY TURVY DIAPER CAKE ® and7Was-Agamitttmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/ac8713/1638232792"&l17/r/il/81638232792_qa43.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"c/1512"1200/0/221"&l/c254ef"1446232065"&l17/r/il/81446232065_44ia.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/ecae88/1638232910"&l17/r/il/81638232910_8j0x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/55baa7"1446232069"&l17/r/il/81446232069_biwc.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/967e5a"1446232051"&l17/r/il/81446232051_r1bt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/c70041"1446232067"&l17/r/il/81446232067_97gb.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/6245f6"1446232043"&l17/r/il/81446232043_nznk.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/841148"1423568884"&l17/r/il/81423568884_34n9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/f7b921/1470832505"&l17/r/il/81470832505_i680.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"13609533"cm&l/457caa"1423568888"&l17/r/il/81423568888_4y9h.ord" /0.