Product Name: JAPAN – BLUE DANUBE – Blue3Ons b – Gravy retailer Boat
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooNO CHIPS CRACKS9OR FLAWS. EXCELLENT CONDIDTION. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT STAINS, 9OR DEFECTS, ETC, PIOR TO BUYING,9AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO DESCRIBE THEM TO YOU, OR TO SEND PICTURES.<96><96>PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, THAT THESE PIECES ARE ANYWERE FROM 75 TO 60 YEARS9OLD,9AND WILL HAVE TYPICAL AGE WEAR9<96><96>WE DO NOT3DO RETURNS UNLESS I MISS DESCRIBING AN ITEM ACCURATELY. <96><96>WE ALSO DO NO DO PARTIAL REFUNDS9o IF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH9AN ITEM, IT WILL BE SENT BACK9AND A FULL REFUND ISSUED.<96><96><96>Weahavetbeeb ib the Antique Business3hor3the past 35 years,3doing shows,3operating3atshop,3and hor3the past 20 years9eelling3319the internet. Weshave beeb d aling3ib Hall China,9American7Dinnerware and Kitchenware,3since wetstarted ib business. If3youscaugh9 during the 1990's, at many of the large shows throughout the Midwest, we were3the ones thatahad the huge display of Hall Ball Jugs!<96><96>We3also specialized in Fent b,3hor3the past 25 years,3and have wrote retailer 9treference books b the subject. You3can catch us at our third3page on 0l b: Simplyfent bartgClau<96><96>Plus3we9deal in71940's/50's print tabletloths. If3youslook3hor3thio type of item, (I'm3sure you3do,tif3your here wanting to9set a good table!),tpleasetgo to9our other El btpage Vintagetabletloths,3hor3wonderful3print linen Tabletloths3and accessories f5517the 1950's, ! <96><96>We also do a wide variety of Antique GClau, Toys,3and Prin9s, Books,3and Vintage items. We continue to do shows across the Midwest, and southern states. If3intere39573i17where wetset up, pleasetcheck our face book pageawalkmemorylane! oss <7f0/96/8.