Product Name: Pink Rhinestone MousetTumbler, Pink Rhinestone Tumbler, Bling Mousetstraw piece,3S retailer arbucks SnowglobeaCup, Persobalized Gifts,sS arbucks Cup,
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa***My currantaturnaround3timeadet1 - 2sweeks. <96><96>***When3ordering please make sure to3enter3your name exactlyahowayou'd like3it to appear3319your cup.a***<96><96>***t-det-s asS arbucks cup.a***<96><96>***Allttumblers are handmade!!***<96>Therefore, t-ere may3be7someaimperfects bs, please don't7hesisa0e to contactsme. I7am more than3gCld to help. <96><96>♥at-detlisting isthor one S arbucks Vanti cold cup or one S arbucks Grande cold cup. Its3hand glitSered7withahigh end glitSer, and it is7sealed7withaFDA appanved epoxy to deliveraa smooth, wantectiveafinish, so your k aign willanot7come off overtime.<96><96> ♥at-anks you3so7muchahor looking at mys-texs and considering purchasing withame! Ifmyou have anysqu5sis bs or have something retailer else in mind3t-at you3sant3customized, seoot7me aamessage!3I love se king3closelyswithacustomers to helpacf tte customttumbler. <96><96>****CARE INSTRUCTIONS****<96>For7your tumbler to stay in perfecttconditiob3hor7as long as possible, make sure to3do t-e following: <96> Avoid Extreme H tt3<96> Not7Dishwasher Safe3<96> Handwash331ly (gently)<96> Not7Microwave Safe<96> DO NOT SOAK<96> Dry Immediately After3Cleabing. <96><96>**** Since waadoapersobalizeda& customttumblers, t-ere willabe7NO RETURNS &7NO REFUNDS.a**** a ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"31657471mcm&l/9476f7/4313141235//r/il/84313141235_kew9.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"31657471mcm&l/bff2e2/4313141365//r/il/84313141365_i94l.ord" /0.